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id: 9859 - Text: Let's sum up this 27min... I am a self-sabotager... I'm a pussy who can't change it... When I self-sabotage I smoke crack and have deviant sex... I am torturing my parents and burning money.

id: 9880 - Text: Mark, Venmo his payment to his dad please. In 10 years, this guy is going to be dead or be a motivational speaker with an incredible life. There’s no in between I believe. I hope he realizes that getting f*cked with as a 4 year-old is sexual abuse (with the perpetrators’ age being irrelevant), the trauma likely impacted his brain chemistry, and it is 100% possible to find a high quality partner who would love giving mind blowing hotel room BJ’s SANS CRACK.

id: 9886 - Text: I wonder if Patrick has tried or considered personalized therapy. To take a deeper look at two issues from childhood: Possible negative effects of the problems that resulted in divorce, andd effects of the divorce of parents and the sexual abuse. Both was when he was quite young. A deeper look at his parents' relationship before divorce, their relationships with him and their parenting. If I were him, I guess I would read and listen a lot on these matters of psychology to understand the root causes. There seems to be some underlying causes that he needs to understand better about himself. He seems to need to understand himself at a deeper level. I guess such and understanding may help him develop more affection and forgiveness towards himself. And that may help him change the course. Don't lose hope Patrick, don't give up on yourself. Best wishes.. May the love and affection of Almighty, the Creator of the Earth and the heavens be in your heart and mind and lead you.

id: 9893 - Text: Bro that situation when u were 4 subconsciously traumatized your mind spirit and that is most definitely intertwined with your sex fantasies and addiction. definitely you should dive deep into that and attempt to let go of it possibly cus we hold onto so much unconsciously. Your very intelligent

id: 9896 - Text: Really digging your personality. Your attractive in a uniquely sexy way. I am 100 % certain you could achieve your fantasy without the presence of crack. You are so capable of loving yourself. One day at a time.🥰❤💜💋

id: 9912 - Text: It sounds like he is a survivor of childhood trauma (sexual, etc.). So heartbreaking. It's diffucult to believe a good portion of what he's saying, though. Like he's got a six-figure job? In general, especially with addicts, the giveaway when they say things like, "I'm a very truthful person". Sad. 💔

id: 9917 - Text: When you smoke the paranoia out weighs any sexual feelings . This guys priorities are jacked

id: 9939 - Text: Poor Fella , he seems pretty ok aside from that addiction. It’s not unusual to hear about heightened sexual arousal with Crack usage so don’t beat yourself up buddy!!! It’s one thing to look@ every lady and have fantasies versus jumping out and snatching someone up. Sure it sounds creepy but I’ve heard WAY worse on this channel!! This guy makes a shit ton of $$$$ and buys his crack friends. Sounds to me like he just needs a new set of people around him! Patrick , get some rest like go out to a nice retreat and really enjoy your $$$$ and spoil yourself with massages and hot tubs! Leave that Crack in yesterday’s memory, easier said than done but it sounds like u already have the tools to build a new home you just have to move outta the one you built with Crack to hide in. 🙏🏼Sending u love, light and the strength of Our Creator. JAH love ❤️

id: 9943 - Text: Patrick is the most honest, kind, lovable guy I’ve listened to so far. The sexual abuse is a huge issue even though he’s downplaying it and I wonder if that’s the reason why he says he doesn’t love himself. I’m recovered from addiction and the last 2 years was crack. That crap will bring you to the bottom and what he’s saying is so friggin exact to how I often felt and the things I thought and did. I hope and I’m gonna pray he gets well, he deserves to be happy and to feel loved and to love in return. For him to be known as the nicest trick just shows you he’s a wonderful human, imagine yourself sober, solidly sober, you’d be sporting wings in no time.

id: 9952 - Text: Patrick , skip the re-hab and get some seriously deep psychotherapy . The early years trauma , sexual abuse and then your parents divorcing have clearly affected your life . I'm watching your video , hearing a grown man but seeing a sad little boy who wants so much to be loved . Please use some of that money your spending on crack to get the right help that you need .
