31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 13686 - Text:  @TheVideoGamesHistorian  unfortunately she passed away already.

id: 13688 - Text:  @TheVideoGamesHistorian  no mention of that. Sorry

id: 13735 - Text: I clicked on this video my first thought was how beautiful you are. I see something in you that resonates beauty. Not just outer but inner. I see you wringing your hands and how hard it must have been to do this interview. Thank you for sharing.

id: 13770 - Text: Pamela beautiful spirited Pamela... I pray for you that once you get your housing you are able to become secure ...and find inspiration in the Love of your daughter and grandbaby...grandbabies can be such a gift ..a second chance...many blessings of abundance of love and everything that serves your highest good ...Check out GABOR MATE and the abundance of his videos and interviews ...and KNOW YOU ARE LOVED Pamela...even by us strangers here...I feel your life are Loved❤️🌹🥰🌿🥰🌹❤️

id: 13825 - Text: I think these videos are my new addition.. Very dark but very good to see ppl that are SO REAL it will make you think twice about judging anyone who's on the streets.

id: 13850 - Text: I respect and appreciate this video series. And while I do believe Mark has the best intentions and I know he's not a trained mental health professional, when he suggested to her that childhood sexual abuse makes "this kind of work EASIER" I cringed. Especially coming from a man, that's about the most over simplified rationale I could imagine. It just rubbed me the wrong way. Nonetheless, very moving interview and I hope Pamela is doing well.

id: 13924 - Text: I love these videos, but dude please phrase some of your questions more sensitively. You’re interviewing (mostly) deeply traumatized people, who are being triggered by these discussions, so you need to have a good eye for what’s appropriate to ask, how to ask, and when to ask. For example: asking if childhood sexual trauma makes prostitution easier, it was awful seeing the look on her face at that question. Pls do better!

id: 13954 - Text: You know I always have a preconceived opinion before I watch these videos and I’m always wrong. Most everyone of these people are very smart and very likable. You just want to scoop everyone of them up, give them love without anything in return and to show them a way out. But much easier said then done. I pray for each one that I watch . Obviously most all have a fractured family life and then drugs and alcohol. I will continue to pray and hope for them to have a better life.

id: 13987 - Text: I worked with abused kids for many years and see some of them in your videos...very sad. I appreciate your thoughtful questions and hope this will lead to more awareness and to the social changes that so desperately need to be made.

id: 13999 - Text: These videos show how each person is so uniquely beautiful and special. Your videos give us the opportunity to stop and really listen to someone else’s viewpoint and life experiences. Pamela is a gentle beautiful soul!
