10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 7244 - Text: This man has more potential than he realizes yet self sabotage is real!! He is not making a connection with his addiction and relapse because he seems to be in the “white knuckle” of sobriety for weeks and months, like he never reaches that point where he can just breath. So he finally gives in! I pray he finds the solution to his addiction. He is severely insecure, he has people that truly love him and a job that is understanding, but people are only understanding to a point. Eventually you burn the bridge. If I was his boss, 3 strikes your out. At some point you can’t excuse poor work ethic and once you allow one employee special treatment, they all want special treatment. Dude. Your not ugly, you’re not hideous you’re not irredeemable, but only YOU can create the life you truly want. You either want the wife/kids/picket fence or you want the crack/porn//prostitutes/sexually frustrated life. Stop trying to be generous to people that want nothing from you but money and drugs. Seems like you’re shelling out tons of money on people that wouldn’t give you the time of day if you weren’t giving them money and drugs. You have to decide to Never take that next hit. Just never do it! I’m 6 years sober now. You just have to be courageous enough to say no. Not getting any younger. Your gonna be sitting alone at 80 years old wishing you had a wife,family, kids, grandkids. You CAN do this!!!!!

id: 7348 - Text: weed = crack = porn = prostitutes = rehabilatation = more crack....i think i got it''.

id: 7437 - Text: The comments are interesting and I agree and see the part of him that wants to be free. Unfortunately many of the "Patricks" are married and also have children. It is their wives and kids that see the 'good' and 'honest' pieces here and there. That is what keeps them stuck in a cycle of trying to bring them back to that reality - that freedom. Being the person they were or have the potential to be. But like he says: lots of money, selfishness, women or porn, and then finally stopping and going into work. And money for bills or college etc is lost. And then there is regret and hurt and depression and more promises. And when they feel bad about all that again...what do they need to go to to feel better? Crack. And this is a cycle like he said--a 20 year cycle at that for him and many. It is hard for all involved. How about an interview with a woman who is or was married to a "Patrick"????

id: 7729 - Text: I watched the follow up first, now, I couldn't come up with a comment untill I watched the first viewing, this Man is so normal and in control, sane wise! So, fix your porn addiction and the drug use will stop? You are too smart for where the drug will take you. What ever makes you want porn is the trigger, the drug just over enhances the want for porn, naturally. Patrick, clear your root cause and drug use will diminish? Good luck guy, but you know you got this, choose? Being that great Dad and Husband is waiting on you.

id: 8239 - Text:  @BP-or2iu  it’s more so the fantasy of sex and how your imagination can run wild. I used too get lost inside these insane sexual fantasies where I would just be sitting on the couch with my limp dick imagining that I’m going to be the next big pornstar. It’s insane what it does too your mind and it never really leaves you. Both cocaine and meth have done this too me and many others.

id: 8288 - Text: my dad had a video rental and camera rental store in the early 80s (the first one in the area) and sold it for 75 grand and literally went through the entire 75 k on base in less than a year. Shit is no joke such a fucked up drug. I had a problem with stimulants too years ago and some of this stuff hits home like sitting around getting high watching porn for hours .. its disgusting to even look back on lol

id: 8439 - Text: porn + crack addiction has destroyed his life. He lives in a fantasy world in his head with porn and being high while in reality he looks 15 years older than he is and his confidence is gone and he's completely drugged out. Sad to watch because hes so relatable and seems like an alright dude

id: 8700 - Text: He better not jerk too much while he's smoking.... When I lived in Houston, I had a neighbor that was with her husband both were rehabilitating from alcohol... The husband was on crack too, and couldn't have sex with his wife because when he was on crack jerking off to porn, he broke his shit!!!!! If he gets an erection, his shit hurts ....

id: 8807 - Text: He’s being real I use to do meth with my wife sometimes and loved it We’d fuck and watch porn for hours

id: 8966 - Text: This video explains one of Satan's plans to destroy us. Molested young > drugs > porn > addiction = death , another soul sent to the abyss. He has worth ! Without Addiction , I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me ! Philippians 4 : 13
