10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 9203 - Text:  @societalmenace7646  Yeah, Adderall for me, I'm guessing by "crave other bad things" you probably mean porn, which if so, it's the same with me. First I just used to binge out on video games when geekin and then eventually my brain figured out I could get even more dopamine from porn. How long have you been taking Vyvanse for? If it's been a long time it might be a little harder to quit. I can go get my Adderall script since 2 days ago, and I'm tempted to get it. But I'm not going to because I've been abusing it all year and taking my whole 600mg worth in 2-4 days, and then barely being able to get out a bed for a couple weeks after. I'm finally ready to be done for good, I gotta go find a program to join or else I know I'll end up drinking and doing drugs, etc again.

id: 9267 - Text:  @alwayssorry346  Yeah same thing with me an Adderall. I never used to watch porn and then with the huge dopamine rush it makes me into sexual deviant, same is this guy in the interview. Superchargers your sex drive, so now AMphetamines and Sex are linked together now in my brain

id: 9472 - Text: This guy if he finished college it was a BS. I think the interviewer gets it. Harvard? $20k a month? The old “dated the Captain Cheerleader, clinched it for me. Women want to do porn w/him? Oy Vey

id: 9680 - Text: This guy being molested by the young girls (who were innocently also taken advantage of by someone) affected him greatly. I believe that IS the reason for his addiction and issues. Confirmed to me when he said when he's binging on crack he gets these deep sexual fantasies and said he watches porn only while smoking crack. I think if he got therapy for the molesting, it could greatly help him. Hes a nice, intelligent good guy.

id: 9708 - Text: Remember though, he said it's a turn off if the girl isnt into it. So if he realized that, he would likely stop. Whats scarier to me is the people that are watching rape and forced sex porn. What the hell would they do if on crack?

id: 9714 - Text: Yes. When he said he would watch porn & truly believed "ANY" female close to him "wanted him" so he literally would walk out in his underwear. That is scary as hell! What if a women was out there? Prostitute or not. Does that mean he would act out? That really freaked me out.

id: 9836 - Text: Pornography is the worst drug of them all. No other compares.

id: 9885 - Text: I go through da same as soon as i take a hit i immediately watch porn jack off and think about risky behavior

id: 9940 - Text: Smoke weed and watch porn non stop, is fun too. for a month or two.

id: 10250 - Text: What he was saying about porn not stop when high and not thought of otherwise.. Adderall does the same thing to me🤣.
