58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 10384 - Text:  @honeymilano5325  which is exactly what I'm talking about. To say everyone in the comments of the sex worker videos is trash talking them is bull.

id: 10386 - Text:  @honeymilano5325  the majority of the sex worker videos have overwhelmingly positive responses.

id: 10393 - Text:  @jessicazepeda9516  realize a lot of people don’t have options like you Jessica 💯💯💯💯 a lot of people are limited and trying to get it how they can there’s a place called Reddit sex workers only sub Reddit it’ll give you more detail and make us more human

id: 10394 - Text:  @stalkerbabychild  lol. Ah I see wtf I seee idk wtf you see bitch but I see people dogging the sex workers is bitch your on crack if you think they aren’t trashing the sex workers

id: 10403 - Text:  @jessicazepeda9516  baby girl we call them squares in the game if you have a 9-5 that’s what you are lol we call females that don’t do sex work squares meaning they don’t do this work lmao

id: 10404 - Text:  @jessicazepeda9516  girl I will be doing way better once I start my business but until then respect my grind that’s tf all lol I keep telling you people don’t have the same opportunities as you my parents are dead I had stage 4 cancer girl I’m all alone . I’ve never had it good at a young age I had to figure out how to get my own money. And I’m doing pretty damn good for myself. I’m already dealing with a lot no sex worker needs people like you constantly judging us for what? What we’re trying to survive and get ahead which we couldn’t do in society with them regular ass jobs💯 it just seems like your not listening and I’m telling you the reality of our situations

id: 10433 - Text: I hope when he watches thos back, he realises that although he may be into sex stuff now, but that little boy who was being coerced by the 10 year old little girls was not ready for sex stuff yet. Children are not meant to ve exposed to that. Jesus is Lord, keep prayibg daily to help you chopse Him every day. God bless you and your family

id: 10522 - Text:  @MrSExperience  mark, the interviewer, has many people who lie. I’m sure he’s used to it. But this guy came off as honest as possible... at least about the drugs and prostitution. I question his degree and job but you can never tell. Mark definitely puts himself at risk to get these interviews... god bless

id: 10538 - Text: Very interesting interview. He has an INTENSE overlap with substance abuse and sex addiction. Honestly it’s amazing. Do you treat the sexual addiction first or the substance abuse? One triggers the other. It’s like what comes first, the chicken or the egg?

id: 10585 - Text:  @aliinwonderland656  "we did whatever we wanted" yeah sounds like his dad really was teaching him and there for him. Nope his dad had a fucking ego and actually didn't do shit to guide this guy otherwise he wouldn't have just done crack willy nilly. My dad wasn't around much but he made sure I knew had bad drugs can destroy your life because he loves me. You really think the presence alone of a human being is enough to guide you? Its the classic split households where the dad thinks he knows everything and his shit don't stink. Then the kid moves in and you guessed it he has no idea how to actually grow a human being. The kid ends up with the wrong people just trying to feel something "sex with a prostitute" and ends up doing crack because he has no boundaries so whatever let me just do crack. His dad only feels bad because of the results and doesn't have the understanding to actually fix the problem.
