31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 14835 - Text:  @tenebaum6595  Ronnie Mead this is Pamela the women in the video telling my truth it hurts me to think that this is your opinion of me because my skin is white and I have blond hair that to me was a very shallow statement and leaves me to wonder what you've been through in your life to make you feel that way.My heart and prayer's go out to you may life be kind to you and may God bless you and keep you.sincerly Pamela im using Rons phone.....

id: 14946 - Text: Hi meggie this is Pamela I seen mark a few weeks ago and I will be doing a follow up video soon Mark is a great guy and has a great big Heart to do these kind of videos takes a person that genuinely cares about the under dogs of the world as my Father RIP would say.Im just a simple human being that loves god trys to help and uplift people and would go an extra million miles out of my way to help people I love Im greatful and happy even when Im sad I am a walking merical and I give God all the glory he is my rock today and I thank him for letting me have the opportunity to meet mark and be able to express my life with others in hopes that it may help some young girl stay on the right path this world is wicked and dangerous God bless Pamela Metcalf...

id: 14947 - Text:  @follkiej  Hi Jim this is Pamela Metcalf the girl in the video Im doing great and Im using Rons phone but I am doing as well as can be expected this last year has really been hard being locked down in our own homes I pray this pandemic gose away soon.I am blessed to still be here and I give my lord and savior all the glory.Have a wonderful evening and god bless you. Pamela Metcalf....

id: 15059 - Text: I see you pulling out the quote from Lady Gaga in the Marry the Night video! 👏🏼

id: 15095 - Text: Honey watch the video again..

id: 15123 - Text: It is because of these videos that I added the lost, broken, homeless, alcoholics, addicts and prostitutes to my prayers at night.

id: 15125 - Text: 3:07AM in Los Angeles, CA right now when I started writing this. Saw notification when video had been posted only “4 minutes ago”. Watching this immediately after it was posted, and currently being very close to the filming location is making me feel a certain type of way. Oddly, a bit nostalgic as well.

id: 15166 - Text:  @ronniemead805  These videos are a vivid reminder just how MUCH God already has blessed me. After all the negative comments I get for just mentioning the Lord, I'm also reminded by YOUR comment that there are nice folks out here in YouTube land.

id: 15244 - Text: Thats the point of watching these videos, right?

id: 15259 - Text: The comments like tHeRE iS nO GOd are absolutely brainless. But have you actually considered doing some volunteering or social service of some sort? It definitely would be more powerful than prayers. Not a christian, but I seriously am thinking about volunteering or smth, looking at these videos. I always thought I don't have a psyche for that, now I somehow felt motivated.
