31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 15545 - Text: In the video, they said that the proposed law would treat prostitutes as victims in need of help so nah

id: 15561 - Text: Do like 90% of US girls have fat asses? Im not looking for a 13 years old boy shape, but them most girls look like they worked physically plowing a field for years: thik legs, wide hips, not tall...the little gingerhead in this video would be the only one i would do

id: 15564 - Text: Hello everyone at Journeyman Pictures! My name is Dillon Mastromarino and I’m an aspiring journalism student at the University of South Florida. I’m currently doing a final project on sex work in Florida and I wanted to ask your permission to use some of this video as part of my final project.  It would be purely for academic purposes, I would not sell or distribute your video. I just need some footage, which you folks have already shot beautifully, that I could use as b-roll for part of my project.  If needed, I can even venmo you some money. Again, I would not use the video for commercial purposes and you can hold me accountable for that. It’s purely academic.  Let me know what you think and I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks!

id: 15601 - Text: Nowhere in that video did I hear anything about brothels employing "gold diggers" or them being "feminists". The woman defending brothels is defending their right to be legal prostitutes because of what requirements they have to adhere to for becoming legal prostitutes. You need to pay attention better and not twist what is being explained.

id: 15602 - Text:  @ferg9401  These women who are for legalisation are having sex for luxury, not because they cannot survive another way, thus they are the exact definition of golddiggers. Alice said that she is on the liberal side and guess what liberal feminists fight for, legalisation. You need to listen more carefully next time when you watch a video like this.

id: 15603 - Text: ​ @ferg9401  Also, she LITERALLY says it "is incredibly feminist and incredibly positive" in the video. Talking about paying attention huh?!

id: 15606 - Text:  @ferg9401  Its funny how you thought these "sexworkers" on bunny ranch cannot be feminists, how absurd?! And then their representative proudly says that they are liberal feminists. It shows how little you know about feminism or prostitution. Remember, that you coupled liberal feminism with feminazies in your head automatically, not me. I didnt mention feminazies or any manhating character, only you. Now youre fighting your own prejudice against feminism. What do you think how much money do these prostitutes earn in bunny ranch? Do you think they are struggling to survive while producing 500 000 USD annually just in taxes? They are the definition of golddiggers. Why? did you even watch the video? the problem is legality itself. And no you also have a poor understanding on me while you attack my person, I never had a golddigger in my life.

id: 15621 - Text:  @lachusity  I don't need to tell you "in my words". You've already said it numerous times. You want to decriminalize prostitution and criminalize the buyer and seller "just like European countries" and I've been trying to tell you in damn near every response THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE. You've been trying to tell me prostutition isn't willful and I've been trying to tell you, YES IT CAN BE. That's what half this video is about! The women at Bunny Ranch are proving willful prostitution is certainly possible and you HATE that because it disproves your argument. I don't care if the EU has supposedly "found a way" to decriminalize prostitution and "criminalize" the buyer and seller because logically it's not possible. Without a buyer and seller, the act of prostitution does not exist. I told you in my last comment, I fully comprehend your argument but I don't have to agree with it to understand it. Comprehension and agreement are not synonymous with each other. The reason I said you're sounding like a liberal is because apparently you think that if someone doesn't agree with you that not only do they not understand you but they are also wrong and I'm trying to tell you that is a very false statement. That is exactly how a liberal thinks.

id: 15624 - Text: Brutus Tan thats the dumbest shit I've ever heard. You dont even know the laws. Can you sell your kidney? NO. Also, watch the video, Alice is literally affiliating herself with LIBERAL FEMINISM.

id: 15703 - Text: @Randall Slaughter firstly, you failed to realize that you represent the same agenda, that those ppl who push, are defining themselves as LIBERAL FEMINISTS. Like literally in the video we are commenting below, you are not very smart are you lol Secondly, i have brought evidence, you didnt, everyone can see that. Thirdly, you didnt answer indicating that you are unwilling to change your mind no matter how much evidence i show. Youre closed minded and hence unworthy of my time.
