58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 12244 - Text:  @montaija222  misogyny has absolutely NOTHING to do with why women end up with primary custody. It’s because by nature women are nurturers, home keepers and care givers while men are biologically protectors and provisioners! MOST Single mothers are raising thugs, sexual liberated young women homosexual men, and masculine independent women and single fathers tend to raise emotionally unavailable young women, which is why two parent homes are essential because the women provides certain things and so does the men. You must be mentally delayed because what does the guy kidnapping his daughter have to do with why she chose to procreate with a criminal who didn’t marry her?! You’re deflecting 😂 Girl go get a brain !

id: 12248 - Text:  @montaija222  WOOOWWWWWWWWWW SO YOU LITERALLY LET A MAN WHO WASN’T YOUR HUSBAND HAVE SEX WITH YOU WITH A CONDOM AND YOU ARE BLAMING HIM FOR YOUR OUTCOME OF BEING A SINGLE MOTHER WHEN IT WAS YOU WHO COULD HAVE CALLED THE WHOLE THING OFF AND SAID “SORRY BRO NO GLOVE NO LOVE.” Smh I genuinely feel soo sorry for you. Sorry that you didn’t see the value in yourself to prevent this from happening to you. The ball was in YOUR court. Wow ! Then make matters worst you sincerely believe in your heart that you aren’t to blame for this. You chose this man. You chose sex. You chose to allow him to enter without protection. So would it had been his fault too if you caught something ??!!!

id: 12317 - Text: Miss me with that. Queen has already suceeded. Sex work is real work. full stop.

id: 12382 - Text:  @DelanceyStreet_ekbattle  Well our community is not in good hands and neither are our children. She doesn’t want her child to know she is a prostitute, but yet she will have sex in a car park in our neighborhood in front of our children. Our children is exposed to her giving oral sex, while her child is safe and free of her actions. Are elderly neighbors has to sweep up the used condoms she leaves in the streets and on our grass, our children is exposed to her actions. Every day and night I’m chasing her and her fellow prostitutes away from my home so my children will not be exposed to giving oral sex or my elderly parents looks out the kitchen window and see her giving oral sex or see the car shaking back and forth. They come to our residential area and park with their tricks and throw trash all over the street and on our lawns. Our property values go down because people do not want their children exposed to see them having oral sex. They reek havoc in our community. No one wants to invest in Figueroa because of low income citizens. Unless gengification comes our community suffers. Please don’t glorify these prostitutes behavior and their stupid pimps. It’s terrible! Why doesn’t she bring her tricks to her mothers house and suck dicks in front of her child. But she will come in our neighborhood in front of our children and our elderly parents. I hope the Denver Lanes or the Hoover Crips start robbing them. So they will go in another area

id: 12405 - Text: I will never be able to wrap my brain around why these girls/women need pimps. Everything they need to learn, they learn by experience…every risk they take, they take on their own and have to get out of it on their own.. the sex is done on their own… every dollar should be their own!!!

id: 12485 - Text: Any woman that will sell their body to any man, allowing them to sexually violate her in every way. Then take the money she made, and give all to a guy who don't give a dam about her well being is a FOOL !!! We're living in 2023 We have the feminist movement, the strong black independent woman movement etc .. not to mention "Only Fans" also. These women is living in the stone age

id: 12489 - Text: All sex worker minds are warped

id: 12510 - Text: Interesting how girls actually like sex work. I think they prefer websites so they are in total control and it's easier money, but the female desire to BE desired and have male attention is so strong.

id: 12524 - Text: Girl! Get on IG, YouTube, or something and become an influencer… stop having sex with these people. They might kill you!

id: 12549 - Text: Sex work is real work. Its not a "game"
