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id: 12916 - Text:  @blaqken7726  no, there is a big difference between doing sex work and giving all of your earnings to someone in charge of you and working a "straight" job and getting to decide where you want to live and shop and how to spend the money you make.

id: 12961 - Text: She has already succeeded. Sex work is real work. Full stop

id: 13028 - Text: It's interesting some prostitutes and Porn Stars some of them get Sexually Abused as young girls and some of them grow up and survive and end up being strong wise women.

id: 13202 - Text: Pamela,I hope you understand as a 14 year old you were trafficked by this man from Memphis. He took advantage of you as a child and led you into the sex trade. You are redeemable and GOD HAS ALWAYS LOVED YOU AND ALWAYS WILL!

id: 13231 - Text: Hi, I have nothing to say really, except good luck, and keep your chin up! Also I think it's important that people like you (Pamela) tell your stories, and are heard, because you're as much part of life as anybody, and if this is what goes on, people need to know. And where there's problems that have causes, we ought to try fix them. Child abuse, I've often said, you're not just abusing a child. That kid will grow up and get a job and get married and whatever and might live til they're 80. And all of that time, they're suffering mentally, often severely, fucked-up in the head because some evil piece of shit put their own pleasure before the responsibility to make sure children are unharmed. To actively harm a kid... for god's sake... for sexual pleasure. It's unimaginably wrong. Not even because it's disgusting or nasty to look at, but because of the horrendous damage and the callous disregard for that. That's where the evil is, not the bit that makes you lose your lunch, but the bit that breaks your heart. Abused children grow into adults who make bad decisions and get into all sorts of trouble, and it's the fault of the damage done to them while young, their brains have all sorts of problems that they don't cope well with. They haven't been taught how to live, just how to suffer, and that suffering is coming regardless and there's nothing you can do. No "fight", no "flight". Just suffering and the fear and expectation of future suffering. People don't think of adults as victims of child abuse, but that's where the damage really makes itself known. What can be done? I dunno but there's surely room for a lot more action than is being done now. Maybe just reaching out more, letting kids know there's some place they can contact who they can rely on to rescue them, not send them back home where they'll get beaten for calling the authorities. And to let kids know what abuse IS, what their rights are, and why nobody has the right to treat them in certain ways. That if they're treated in a particular way, they can call an authority and be taken away to safety. That's not much to ask, just doing it would be cheap and simple, and it could help a lot. It would need more money for social services, but so what? What's money useful for while there's crimes like that going on?

id: 13257 - Text: Pamela my ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ was struken with deep sarrow of despair of feelings of the trauma lifestyle crazy cycle My ❤️😍😍😍😍 Beautiful sexy Mermaid Blondie!! God Almighty has a greater Adventure of treasures coming to your future Destiny Rise up Be the solder you born Win the Race!! We hope you the best of life truly a sister always Restored Am a former Domestic abbuction survivor Only our savior Relates our life Love you always !!

id: 13267 - Text: Getting sexually molested as a child seems to have caused these women to believe that they aren’t good enough for anything else but this hideous existence. I feel so sad for this lady.

id: 13277 - Text: That would be like having sex with your Grand Ma

id: 13310 - Text: The most interesting thing to me about all the interviews with sex workers is they talk about how the life provides them access to easy, fast money, but I often wonder how easy it can be when on a daily basis you are in fear of your life. Juxtapose that with the fact that many are homeless...make it make sense. My heart goes out to these women and I hope they have find healing.

id: 13373 - Text: Any form of abuse can cause irreparable damage. Covering up abuse can inflict torment and pain especially if one uses the Bible to upkeep a holier than thou mindset for tough love and disciplinary action. Please explain that Bible verse to me. Let’s see how you and your family interpreted this verse..... “Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child” _ It’s original roots, comes down to a linguistics historical biblical paraphrasing misinterpretation from the Bible. We are all familiar with “Spare the rod and spoil the child”. “Rod” in the Bible doesn’t mean stick or to establish ones authority with a ‘power’ tool or weapon to cause harm to a child. “Rod” back in biblical terminology and time means, “the way of God, Jesus.” Abusers use this misinterpretation for their own validation of dominance within the home setting and school systems. Nation Wide-global Mandatory preventative sexual abuse education at least three times a year 30 hours total per year or put on probation with fines if they skip one or two sessions every two years. Children have rights! Everyone must be on the same page. Children and parents must go through mandatory education on prevention, affects, and consequences of inappropriate sexual behaviors. Education on drug rapes and predatory behaviors as well as symptoms and signs to watch out for in case they are being abused when drugged. As well as self worth, self protection, safety Protocols with proper avenues, access and avenues to get the help as soon as they need in order to Stop the abuse. Children need to be able to gain awareness and knowledge to stand up for themselves early on in their childhood. Education on how to gain self esteem and a voice. Also free sessions for healing from past abuse for all adults. Education on verbal threats and all forms of abuse as well as how a child can get help. Laws must change on jail time. Men and women need education on how to love, respect and rear children for nutritional health and wellness. People need help on all levels. People need to learn to heal others and respect others as well as themselves. Caregivers, hospital workers, foster home workers, managers and doctors must take 100 hours a year on the affects of child abuse and sexual abuse. Politicians, police officers, judges and service officials all must take 100 hours of child abuse affects and sexual abuse affects and protocols. Plus, learning how to respect and love children as well as care with nurturing loving care, patience and listening skills. 🕊❤️🕊 ETA🌹
