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id: 13378 - Text: I worked for a time as an R.N. in a prison, and almost every female I met that was incarcerated for various crimes most notably prostitution all have nearly the same childhood story of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. And sadly many of these women say the only place they feel a semblance of safety is in prison as long as they stay out of trouble when behind bars. Bottom line is these women are human beings and deserve respect and kindness for all the suffering they have gone through some since birth, and that is something we all can extend to them.

id: 13387 - Text: Oh dear Pamela, you are such a beautiful woman. I too am a survivor of sexual abuse, and can only say that I was blessed by going into the army and losing my abusive past. I never looked back. But that abuse has led me to live a life of desperation because I have not been able to have a relationship with another woman who couldn't relate to the abuse and the aftereffects. I sincerely hope and pray that you get the love and nurturing that you deserve. I want to see you get your children back too.

id: 13400 - Text: Not every sex worker has child hood trauma though I hate when everyone try and say that some just people just got into sex work because want to ya gotta stop that sad shit everyone do not want a pity party

id: 13401 - Text: Totally agree. As a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner I took care of so many women and some men who had very traumatic childhoods. Without exception, the sex workers reported childhood sexual and physical abuse. The men in their lives continued the abuse and the patients saw very little of the money they made. Their pimps or “boyfriend” would provide drugs and kept most of the money. Then there were the abusive predators who use these sex works and treat them like crap. These survivors were coldly trafficked and my heart broke for them because how they lived at that moment was how life would continue until they aged out of the business, overdosed, or were murdered. I retired due to vicarious trauma and am glad I was able to treat these survivors very well and show them kindness at their time of need.

id: 13413 - Text: It's horrible how common sex trafficking is . The world is dark.

id: 13484 - Text: But by the grace of God, go I. I'm a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, at the hands of my father and grandfather. I watch these interviews and see myself in so many of these precious souls. I got lucky.

id: 13493 - Text: Sex work isn't really easy work. So many of these women talk about being raped, robbed, having to jump out of moving cars. The hustle never stops.

id: 13721 - Text: Pamela,I hope you understand as a 14 year old you were trafficked by this man from Memphis. He took advantage of you as a child and led you into the sex trade. You are redeemable and GOD HAS ALWAYS LOVED YOU AND ALWAYS WILL!

id: 13750 - Text: Hi, I have nothing to say really, except good luck, and keep your chin up! Also I think it's important that people like you (Pamela) tell your stories, and are heard, because you're as much part of life as anybody, and if this is what goes on, people need to know. And where there's problems that have causes, we ought to try fix them. Child abuse, I've often said, you're not just abusing a child. That kid will grow up and get a job and get married and whatever and might live til they're 80. And all of that time, they're suffering mentally, often severely, fucked-up in the head because some evil piece of shit put their own pleasure before the responsibility to make sure children are unharmed. To actively harm a kid... for god's sake... for sexual pleasure. It's unimaginably wrong. Not even because it's disgusting or nasty to look at, but because of the horrendous damage and the callous disregard for that. That's where the evil is, not the bit that makes you lose your lunch, but the bit that breaks your heart. Abused children grow into adults who make bad decisions and get into all sorts of trouble, and it's the fault of the damage done to them while young, their brains have all sorts of problems that they don't cope well with. They haven't been taught how to live, just how to suffer, and that suffering is coming regardless and there's nothing you can do. No "fight", no "flight". Just suffering and the fear and expectation of future suffering. People don't think of adults as victims of child abuse, but that's where the damage really makes itself known. What can be done? I dunno but there's surely room for a lot more action than is being done now. Maybe just reaching out more, letting kids know there's some place they can contact who they can rely on to rescue them, not send them back home where they'll get beaten for calling the authorities. And to let kids know what abuse IS, what their rights are, and why nobody has the right to treat them in certain ways. That if they're treated in a particular way, they can call an authority and be taken away to safety. That's not much to ask, just doing it would be cheap and simple, and it could help a lot. It would need more money for social services, but so what? What's money useful for while there's crimes like that going on?

id: 13772 - Text: Always wondered how having sex with strangers is ‘easy’ money.
