31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 17523 - Text: I'm on to this video because of a 8 yr old child named Cherrie Mahan who was kidnapped in 1985 from the Pittsburgh Pa area. IDK what this poor lady knows but she says she was napped as a baby. I wonder if she is indeed that lil girl, there is a resemblance if you consider a rough life & drug life. I'd wish someone could DNA her, She could solve a decades old mystery or not! Worth a try! On a totally separate issue, tattoos are very expensive. How does this women have all of that being poor? Not being a smartass, really wonder.

id: 17599 - Text: this is by far the most moving video I've watched, my heart both aches for her and can relate to her distrust in humans. what bravery she shows sharing her life

id: 17654 - Text: These videos from another perspective shows that abortion should be legal and in fact should be free for some ppl . A lot ppl do not want be parents and are not deserved to be parents . Most of these interviewee were neglected, adopted or being abused during their childhood . They should not have to come to this world and just suffer .😢

id: 17741 - Text: A three-year-old knew that someone was trafficking her? So she cut off her own arm and fingers? This woman is delusional. Get her help Don't parade her around like a sideshow please, have some compassion. To keep saying that she's had a lifetime of "being drugged and blacking out" she's not been drugged she has some form of mental illness that causes her to have memory lapses and lapses and consciousness or she's taking substances that cause intoxication to the point of being unconscious. Or most likely both. This is so sad that some hokey rehab place took advantage of her and tried to tell her that somehow she's not delusional and having problems staying conscious, memory problems in childhood and needed to be hypnotized in order to remember her entire life. Also if any of the tendons that connect your legs to your pelvis we're torn, you would not be able to bear weight on that leg. So her story of walking up and down the Halls at a hotel and then walking down to the lobby and then standing in the lobby asking for help with torn not just one, but multiple tendons is not physically possible. As a final note, I have met many many addicted people who claim they were "drugged" against their will and lost consciousness and wound up in bad situations when the reality is they drugged themselves with either alcohol or other drugs that have the propensity to cause you to become unconscious. I mean listen to her she was working as a cocktail waitress. No one drugged you, you got too intoxicated. I don't know if anyone has ever told you this but if you drink enough alcohol you will lose consciousness and be walking around and not remember any of it or be conscious of any of it while you're doing it.... Anyways if I had $10 for every person that's told me this story that they were drugged and then they came to and they were being raped or robbed or whatever, I'd have enough money to buy a brand new Honda Civic right now. So yeah, it's kind of a common story- "I was drugged and I came to and there were men raping me or doing this or that to me"..... The moral of the story is try not to drug yourself with alcohol or anything like that to the point where you lose consciousness and wind up in a situation like this. That's why the person working the desk at The Roosevelt Hotel and any other people who happened to witness this were reluctant to help; because when you are in an intoxicated State like that you come across as just another intoxicated maniac screaming their head off over nothing. That's not to say you did not deserve the utmost compassion and kindness at that moment. It's just saying that people pick up on intoxication and are reluctant to intervene when someone is obviously intoxicated, especially if they reek like booze & the place where they are asking for help (Roosevelt Hotel) happens to have a gross over abundance of intoxicated Maniacs acting like they need help. And if it does happen to you don't blame yourself just please go to a therapist and tell them that you intoxicate yourself to the point where you become unconscious and wake up being legally violated. They will help you figure out how to live without having those things happen. Oh and BTW my nephew was diagnosed with schizoid effective bipolar at the age of 14, he has all kinds of stories like this, even though he's only in his early twenties & hadn't lived a time in his life outside of the supervision of my sister, his father, & the whole rest of my family including me. We (especially his mom and dad) had a front row Center seat from which to view his life and we are POSITIVE none of this stuff happened: we were there! Meaning if someone is a minor and they don't leave the house unless they are accompanied by you so everything that happens to them except for the hours that they are in school (which are verified by video cameras in the school btw.....) Meaning when did this stuff happen to him if he was being supervised continuously by his mother his father or School staff??? When was there time for someone to drug him and take him away to a warehouse for a couple of hours? This kid was not neglected in any way shape or form; his mother did home daycare is 5 days a week in her home for 20 years, she was well aware of where her son was, what was going on in her own home and whether he was accounted for 24 hours a day from the time he was born until he was 18 years old. Trust us there was no time period where he was not being taken care of by responsible trustworthy adults, there was no time for him to have been drugged and abused. We were there the whole time! Yet these experiences are as real to him as other experiences that he will tell us about that actually really happened like a camping trip we took, a birthday party we had or going to the beach. He does the grandiosity thing too like she did where, "my father is a famous guitar player" This woman's interview is like a primer for mental illness diagnosis- it's almost like one of those instructional videos that universities put out so you can understand what is important and indicative of mental illness....Good luck

id: 17751 - Text: "It made me they type of person who could not hurt anybody". I think that the reason I watch so many videos on this channel is to try and understand people. Through people's trauma I am trying to understand evil, because I never encountered it in my life. And while many of the sex offenders have been victims themselves, some people, like lady Clover here, choose (?) not to perpetuate the cycle of violence. What is it that makes some people kinder when they experience evil and why doesn't everyone respond in this way? Is empathy something you're born with? So, so kind soul. I wish her health and good human relationships for the rest of her life.

id: 17806 - Text: I can't finish the video it is too much for me, it is heartbreaking, and it really affects me. why do we have people like that in this universe? What is the purpose? someone that believes in god can explain to me because I can't understand.

id: 17822 - Text: Do you know her information so we can help her start a GoFundMe? I've seen in your other video comment sections that it's too hard for you to personally start a GoFundMe for each individual person you interview, but some of us would love to offer them help. Can you at least leave their email or something so we can reach out to them personally and offer help to them thank you

id: 17937 - Text: I'm younger than you, Clover, but I want to bring you home amd show you what love you never got. This is one of the most heartbreaking videos I've seen from this person.

id: 17954 - Text: Dude I was not expecting trafficked children when I clicked on this video based on the title. A title a little bit more informative would have been nice, as a trigger warning. Or maybe this whole channel needs a trigger warning.

id: 17955 - Text: I've watched many of these Soft White Underbelly videos and most are very sad but this is the saddest one of all. I just want to hug and mother this poor woman and she is my age.
