10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 22206 - Text: Hey, I don’t know if you will read this but I hope this testimony will bless someone who is going through a similar situation. My husband will soon be 40 all his life he was called retarded and dumb by family members and people because he was intellectually delayed. That cause him to have anger and isolate himself. When he was around 20 he was charged with a felony for being an accomplice to an attempted robbery, in prison I believe he had an encounter with Jesus. And the Lord blessed him to only serve 1 year in bootcamp. Fast forward years later he gave his life to the Lord came to church and stopped drinking smoking partying and etc but the curses and words he grew up hearing still had an effect on him. He received social security for disability checks from a child all through adulthood and worked warehouse jobs occasionally but never consistently. Later I met my husband When I miraculously got invited to church from my friend’s grandmother but we didn’t date at the time. I was molested as a Child and had many sexual perversions including pornography addiction I was very paranoid and suicidal and when I found Christ he delivered me , my husband and I later at church and married in 2019 . Because of his felony he was denied a truck driving job but that didn’t stop him from believing so he decided to go to school, but because he didn’t have a high school diploma or his GED he was not eligible to go to cdl school for free and we had no money. God made a way for us to be approved for a personal loan to put him in school. For 20 + years he was told what he couldn’t do which crippled him and caused him to doubt. My husband is now 39 he got his CDL A LICENSE in 3 WEEKS and got hired at the Job that declined him and is now able to provide for me and our children . I speak peace over your Life in the Name of Jesus Christ. I speak Healing, Truth, and Forgiveness. He was able to accomplish his dream right at the 40 mark and you are only 26 . And don’t worry about a woman wanting you, God sees everything and he said he will give us desires of our heart… but your heart must first be pure and washed by the word of God. I love you and God loves you. God bless whoever reads this especially you.

id: 22409 - Text: Someone in a comment on another video said "How would legalizing prostitution affect marriage." This is a good example right here. The same way porngraphy being widely accessible online affected dating negatively. When it's so easy to get sex men don't feel the need to work hard to obtain and maintain a relationship for consistent sex. On a deeper level it's about self discipline. However it's harder to train yourself to be that discipline when the cheap easy reward is being waved in your face on a daily.

id: 23780 - Text: People who think prostitution is sooooo wrong shouldn't be watching porn. Porn is just prostitution that's filmed; that's the only fucking difference

id: 24250 - Text: It is legal. It's called porn and onlyfans lol

id: 24553 - Text: To Anybody on here hating if you've ever watched porn bought A nude magazine or been to a strip club you've supported PIMPIN. IJS🤔

id: 24794 - Text: I would love to marry a prostitiute or a pornstar.

id: 25534 - Text: Why she being porn star?

id: 25554 - Text: A good % of women in the porn industry were/are forced to do so. That should deter consumers, at least those who still have some sense.

id: 25958 - Text: I watch porn and visit porn shop and all the actresses look happy and healthy... these gals should work the porn industry instead of goofing around on the street people who are all dangerous to be around. look at her.. i would never touch her for any reason.

id: 26626 - Text: This would make a hot pre-porno interview
