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id: 18217 - Text: unfortunately this happens wayyyyyyyy to much !!!!!! i like these trafficking videos it brings alot of awareness to this HUGE issue

id: 18224 - Text: this is absolutely the most upsetting one I've seen so far. I've seen a lot of these videos but her story is just so terrifying. I cannot even finish watching this in one sitting. This poor baby.

id: 18243 - Text: Clover, this is the first video I've ever not had words for, but I just want you to know you matter. With all of my heart, I hope and pray you know that you have value, and you are beautiful. All of those bastards who've hurt you throughout your life might have tried to take away your worth, or thought they could by overpowering you, or using you, but, they, literally, by virtue of their realities as humans, can't. In the same vein, by virtue of your humanity, and your reality as a child of God (and their realities as children of God), no one, not even you, can take away the truth and reality that you are a beloved, inherently worthy, BEAUTIFUL, child of the Father, sister to Jesus, and temple of the Holy Spirit. Your worth is there, and always will be there, whether you believe in it or not, or whether people treat you like you have it or not, and the same goes for the humans that took advantage of you, too. We all, as humans, have inherent worth, and I think so much of life and its joys and its sorrows come down to how and if we treat each other in a way that reflects our inherent worth--but, I digress. What I'm trying to say, above all else, is: literally, by the reality and truth of your existence as a beloved child of God, your worth is impenetrable and untakeawayable. No one can ever take it away from you. Ever. It's eternal, and everlasting. I'm sorry people your whole life have treated you in a way that doesn't reflect the reality of your beauty and eternal worth, and I hope knowing that you have something no one can touch because they're not God (they literally don't have that type of power as humans), and that God will never take away, or mess with, or destroy, (and couldn't, literally, because He is Love, He is Goodness, and by virtue of His Reality As Love, He literally cannot do anything that is evil, e.g. taking away worth), brings some level of comfort, somehow, some way, to some of your pain. I love you, Clover. You are absolutely breathtaking. <3 Thank you for sharing your story. You will be in my heart, always. Love, always, Your friend, Mary

id: 18252 - Text: I've watched a few of these videos. One of the things that struck me is that repeatedly with these poor souls...the same type of perpetrator magnetizes towards them to re-victemize them. This tells me that demonic forces are at work. Demons watch us and seek to destroy humans, the jewels of God's creation. Satan and demons can watch you for your whole life. They know your story, and they push ppl inhabited by demons who specialize in the same specific areas of evil, towards you to hurt and destroy you. I just want to hug Clover. I can't comprehend this evil.

id: 18275 - Text: God bless you Mark for posting these videos. I agree with you that the world needs to what's going on with people that are considered "different and homeless." I often try to help people on the street and it breaks my heart to see or hear of anyone who suffers or is in pain. I am so glad that you are doing this project. I have prayed for some of the people on here and I have written down their names to remember them better. If I can do anything to make your project better, please , please let me know. God bless you in all your efforts Mark.

id: 18512 - Text: She speaks the truth. Children that are traumatized at very young ages tend to relive their trauma over and over again until they can unblock the truth or some bits of the truth of what they actually experienced. Itā€™s self sabotage just to get to the root issues that they have to understand. For some reason bad sick saddest perverted people will take advantage of the victim when they are in the years of self discovery. Drugging them and violating the victim at this time can help the victim process their part in making themselves vulnerable. They can begin to forgive themselves and move on more gracefully. Isolation is the next course of action once their eyes are open to the reality that raping and drugging vulnerable people as well as taking pictures or video taping them is more of the norm in bars today. This awareness gives closure as well as some much needed emotional and mental peace. Because these victims begin to regain back their identity and child light as well as their self control. The things that they had to give up on and the little to no control over what happened to them as a child in order to survive. Such as the compounded on going repeated assaults, violations and abuses. CPTSD also makes it difficult to function fully but also makes one stronger with the will to survive and slowly might trust others because they choose more wisely their friends if they can find a true loving friend in another. ETAšŸŒ¹

id: 18564 - Text: She said that she's both 55 and 44, and also said that the police were able to find her as a missing minor via the internet when she was 13-years old. This would've been in 1980 so I find this highly improbable. Some police stations, etc. in the USA still haven't fully upgraded to everything digital. I love these stories, but you have to be careful about believing everything that these people say...Ā Research has shown that when people live or grow up in a very dangerous environment, they develop a form of protective narcissism because it ensures their survival.Ā This trait ensures their survival in such environments, but they often result in quite a few narcissistic or borderline traits--one of them often being lying. I really do hope that the viewers have enough street smarts to not readily believe everything that someone says to you. It seems that the people that watch these videos often believe these stories 100%. I would caution you to actually listen to these people and realize when things are not adding up. If the story is starting to sound like a Hollywood movie or a bit crazy, it is probably fabricated. I am sure that the truth lies somewhere in between. And you also need to remember that people get attention from these videos. Addicts can be creating elaborate tales so that they'll garner the sympathy of others to receive resources. I am sure that her childhood was traumatic and that she has lived a rough life. The large majority of serial killers have lived tragic childhoods. What I'm saying here is... Just because someone has had a rough childhood, does not automatically mean that you should give them your trust. Abuse runs in cycles and is often learned behavior. You would have to wonder whether this person has continued or broken that cycle. You'll only know through their actions and you cannot make up excuses for him.

id: 18578 - Text: Anyone notice that in these videos. People always describe the demonic look of the violators. Black eyes and evil faces.

id: 18598 - Text: I can't wrap my head around all the craziness that goes on in this world!!! I guess you can say I've been sheltered all my life and my children spend sheltered all their lives! So when I watch videos like these I am totally shocked the way people has been treated ! it's just nuts. After watching these videos I truly am blessed.

id: 18635 - Text: I want to give her a hug so much ! This was the hardest video to watch by far on this channel. All the stories on here are heartbreaking but this one truly tops them all, my heart really aches for her and all the other innocent children and babies that are trafficked each year across the globe. It is so difficult to comprehend some humans are capable of being so purely evil! This was a really difficult watch but I thank you for having the courage to speak out and raise awareness because as hard as it is, it needs to be said so that maybe, as a society we figure out what to do about this
