31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 1903 - Text:  @Carl6801force  Have a look at the other videos on this channel to see what drugs do to people. Its even named in the video titles.

id: 2050 - Text: @Paige Hawkes Well it poisons the minds of children, corrupts society, distorts the relationship between men and women, desensitizes men and makes them incapable of real sexual intimacy, and fuels a predatory industry that preys on mostly broken women and often exploits underage women because so many videos are produced that every girl cannot possibly be thoroughly checked out. I mean... do you want me to keep listing things that are wrong with it, or was that enough? There's something wrong with just about everything, the fact that you're willing to come right out of the gate with there's nothing wrong with this at all, indicates to me you haven't thought about it. Also stripping is one thing but you can't have a normal relationship with anyone that's gonna work if you're doing adult films, that's just the way it is. No self-respecting man would be able to tolerate his loved one doing that. So, I guess that's a more personal problem with it, it basically makes you incapable of being in a normal relationship, having kids or a family, etc. Also it destroys your ability to find employment in other things. Youtube sucks it keeps auto-deleting me for some reason.

id: 2098 - Text: this is kinda sad, she could have done things that are more important in life for happiness and not just chase money, wich is not important, and prostituing and porn are not the ways.Woman are not made to sell their boddies and dont tell me that its her life etc....its just obvious that she lies throught the whole video.Im just saying this not bc i dont like her,no,im saying this to open your eyes,folks

id: 2122 - Text: Taylor Burks every stripper i know is on drugs, pregnant never finish college, alot finish college and stayed in it till there 30. There is the 1% that go in there work, go home sleep study take exam and repeat. But majority of girls like the video ur watchjng dont have a plan dont have skills, dont have anything to there name. There is a minorty that stay focus and get there real estate or degree to advance in life. But that is the 1%. All the girld have pimps, not saving and not doing anythjng with there life. Ive been in strio clubs all over the world and spoken to alot of them and they all talk me the samething they dont have a plan. There is nothing swxy about stripping ir cute about it. Its a dirty sick industry to get in.

id: 2226 - Text: Yo this chick made a porn video 🤣 watched it earlier today then all of sudden she popped up in my recommended on YouTube

id: 2249 - Text: Gohan Serrato : name of the porn video

id: 2281 - Text: First smart female response I've seen on this video

id: 2312 - Text:  @beewalk34  I will do what ever i want with my body and you can too. Dont bring my level education into this because not only am I a dancer I'm a college student. And I've got plenty of life experience. You are extremely narrow minded and think because women who choose what they want to do with their own personal bodies are whores. You: "I'm not religious.. (defending religion)" you probably have no knowledge on in depth history, religion or politics. It's a cultural and narrow mindedness to look down on people. But that should be expected from someone who defends religion. Why didnt good save all these people in his videos from a horrible childhood. Please go to school.

id: 2377 - Text:  @beelzebub6999  The comment was not for (you,) unless you're the woman depicted in the video? I'm pretty sure you are just as "confident" and on point with your moral compass, but realize every comment is not about (you). Some comments are directed towards what is illustrated in the authors video. It was just addressed in your comment section hence the word "confidence." NO need to get triggered from my stand alone comment that had nothing to do with (you). Interpretation online can be complex and expose one's vulnerability and flaws, I get that. But thank you though.

id: 2404 - Text:  @nopeidk90  that may be true. But even a lil college education beats none at all. This poor girl probably is going into porn simply from lack of any higher education that would help her get employed. When she complained that stripping isn't worth it because she doesn't have guaranteed money... I thought...ugh.. a normal job would provide guaranteed money! But entry level jobs that don't require education probably aren't gonna beat a porn job.. especially in her position. Emotionally, I'd rather kill myself than let that happen, personally. But that's the point of these videos... stop emotionally fucking your kids over so they don't fall into these holes they're reasonably incapable of digging themselves out of... besides neural diversity is a real thing meaning people who are offered job's that don't interest them... maybe literally unable to digest and learn skills to perform said jobs.
