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id: 14809 - Text:  @djdestine7381  you really in the comments section bragging about dating a sex worker... what a loser

id: 14924 - Text: She never really learnt her true value, with all that Abuse go in on, so she turned 2 sex n money n drugs as her escape frm her pain.

id: 14926 - Text: They disassociate with their is nothing meaningful

id: 14990 - Text:  @thecowgirlwithin  well, that's not fair to say. but people should get their s*** together before they do decide to have children and bring them into a world where they're not even sure who they are. Too many young girls put too much emphasis on their sexuality. Sex is the least important aspect of a person's identity but the pro life zealots encourage women to keep their babies and not abort their unwanted children. for centuries men have been strapping women down with children they weren't ready for and it's time for women to have a choice. even though roe versus Wade made the right to choose for an abortion each state has different laws. Our current president even said that women should be punished if they have an abortion. We don't ask to be born, but we certainly should not be forced to live in other people's choices. A person should have children if they're ready for it. Unfortunately, too many are religious and are made to feel guilty for that choice. That also needs to stop. I am pro choice. If it doesn't directly affect you, it shouldn't be your concern. Creating a functional human being is not an easy job. It should always be taken seriously and with compassion to raise a child. Drugs, alcohol, prostitution, crime, etc are all unhealthy coping mechanisms to stop the voice in our heads that we are not worthy of love or acceptance.

id: 15111 - Text: He was saying that molestation makes it easier to accept ones participation in sex work.

id: 15336 - Text: If women are in charge of their own bodies, then why is it illegal for two consenting adults to have sex where money might be the seductive factor? If someone of legal age decides to take money for sex and another consenting adult decides thats ok, why is it illegal? It is a moral issue not a legal one, and i dont feel that people should get arrested and humiliated over it. Each county should have an area where people can work without threat of arrest, where there can be surrveilance in case a girl gets in a car and doesnt come back, and you cant work if you cant prove you are current on doctors. Its not going away, Karen. Be part of the solution, dont add to the problem.

id: 15341 - Text: I don't understand how she was allowed to work in brothels. I thought sex workers, couldn't work in the brothels if they had prior arrests for soliciting sex illegally, financial crimes, drug misdeminors or any felonies.

id: 15343 - Text: Pornography is legal. Porn is a billion dollar industry. Human trafficking & violence on women still exist in Porn. Legalizing it or making "sex work" a legal thing won't stop trafficking. They go hand in hand. You can't get rid of one without the other.

id: 15346 - Text: World's oldest profession! 😋 Plus At 5:14 I understand this lady went through sex trafficking and prostitution. But it almost sounds like she is willing to go back to Prostitution if things ever again get too hard as a fallback! Good documentary!

id: 15355 - Text: That woman who is sueing the state is in it for a money grab. She should be ashamed of herself. Does she realise that if she wins then she's endangering all other sex workers???! What will happen to the girls who are safely Working at the legal brothels? They'll be forced to work more dangerous and unregulated settings. I guess I shouldn't be surprised people like her exist. It's just a real shame. The sex industry has enough people wanting to shut it down let alone greedy ex prostitutes trying to get rich off the state when it's their trafficker who should be punished. She's going about it all wrong and quite frankly I think it's incredibly selfish.
