31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 19413 - Text: To the kind lady in this video. You blow my mind how level you are. Going to go ahead and use the word "inspiring " Hope your travels are good

id: 19470 - Text: These videos are amazing. Sometimes ppl see homeless ppl/drug addicts n are so quick to judge and ignore them probably even circle around them but deep down those ppl are messed up for a reason shit like this is sad imagine all the child trafficking going on we don't know about

id: 19518 - Text: The people who make these videos are pretty cool. They just show so many different angles of life in our society.

id: 19635 - Text: This is one of the toughest videos to watch. Someone needs to find out who her father is. I feel so bad for her.

id: 19658 - Text: This one of the most hurtful videos that I’ve watched on here. My empathy is in complete overdrive and I hurt for this woman and I pray for peace and healing for her. Wow. This hurt deep. From the tendon ripping story to the needle scenario. How vile and cruel. People are so sick..! I am hurting for her. So bad. SMH. My Lord. It made want to hold my daughter so tight and protect her from everything I possibly can. Lord I want to cry. God Bless You Clover. 😔😢😔

id: 19681 - Text: Out of all the videos I've seen this is one of the craziest stories!! Wow!!!!! God bless her soul!

id: 19865 - Text: I knew her when she was growing up. I am still close friends with her sister and her parents were like a second set of parents to me. Lost track of Lori while I was in the Army and she decided to head out on her own. I was very close with her parents from the late 60's until they both passed. I never saw evidence of drugging and she didn't grow up with track marks. She was a healthy, attractive young lady who was scary smart. Her sister did not cut off her own arm. While I can't speak to the stories of Lori's time after leaving home, I am completely confident the stories of home are not accurate. Seeing this video and the state she is in breaks my heart also.

id: 19867 - Text:  @danieladowell5025  Which it do you refer to? I know the story of her sister cutting off her own arm is not true. I have literally stayed in their home for a week plus at a time. She is younger than me and used to jump on my back and bounce on my shoulders. I used to run the roads around their place while the girls rode their bikes beside me. I went to Disney world with them several times. This video has broken her sisters heart such that she reached out to me about it. We have watched Lori go through her drug addiction issues for years, but she keeps her distance, so helping has not been possible, nor has she wanted it. You can assure me of whatever you want, but I can also assure you her sister and I have talked about this, and while it is built around some truth, the majority of the comments about her home life are fabrications.

id: 19876 - Text:  @BCarrollJr  in the video she says 1. she was drugged constantly whlile a very young child and 2. her 3yo FOSTER sister cut off her own arm as well as some fingers. and 3. She was taken away often to spend time in wealthy homes where she was abused while drugged. also 4. she is the daughter of a famous guitarist and stolen from their home as a baby , "traded" for another baby I assume. that sounds like bs to me tbh, but I cant really know.

id: 19877 - Text:  @BCarrollJr  Most of the people on social media are mentally deranged or low iq, you do know that right? it's not like they understand much of anything lol. Im not going to believe any druggie in a video nor do I believe theyre wrong. But I wont gaslight anyone
