10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 41950 - Text: I’ll just admit it: I still watch as a married man a couple times a month (3 or 4 maximum) for some sort of release so I stay loyal to my wife. It’s just a stupid fantasy thing. In reality, porn is disgusting and I know that but it’s enjoyable at times. I seriously feel awful for these girls though...

id: 41952 - Text: I’ve haven’t had the ability to enjoy porn since I was early 20s an was doin a lot of LSD\other psychedelics { tryin to find myself I see the fuckin pain through their eyes.. the shame they try so hard to hide, wash away or pretend as if their is choice in the matter., the choice is this: you can fuck for living if you’re capable of it ~ but in the end it is work. we have to work our lives away no matter what we are pushed into and in this deeply controlled subliminally-brainwashed consumerist society .. if you take the time to avoid your internal judgment mechanisms that kick in once you realize something you\your society (coerced you into thinkin the way they do) considers taboo and listen to the specific story of the specific person, with your biases aside: you can find some amazing people— in the most unlikely of places/professionals/etc., like this, for example. I almost didn’t watch this., my judgment kicked in and I thought “gross. another stupid slut that sucks dicks to make ends meet” an that part of my brain, has kept me from so many things. It’s difficult to learn how to be open to things society has catalyzed a dislike inside you over.. but fuck what society thinks. bunch of judgmental motherfuckers ~ I’m glad I had enough override to click the video despite my inner-hater cause this woman: is a god damn angel. she is beautiful inside and out; so fucking strong and she STILL smiles 90% of her day even after being kicked, CONSTANTLY over and over as a little one . I just want to hold her. Buy her a coffee an let her pour out her pain unto me., just cleanse her soul by releasing that pain onto a person focused on being there for her. to pay full attention and learn of the sources to her inner pain, to decipher and nurture it God.. I wish I could find the people in these stories that overpower these angelic-creatures as children, corner and harm them; threaten them into silence and then continuously and shamefully please themselves using these poor babies as a vehicle to the twisted bliss they destroy others to achieve .. I was molested as a child. I got my abuser 💥🔫

id: 41957 - Text:  @jesse-4198  I do agree with this. I've also noticed that the prostitute interviews are met with more compassion. Whereas the pornstars are full of disparaging comments and 'I knew she would have an abuse story'.

id: 41958 - Text:  @alexmurphy5289  If you feel it is disgusting why don't you eliminate it completely? Why don't you fantasise about your wife instead? Or go old school and use your imagination? It takes so little for men to get hard and the rest is just wrist work. You don't actually need to use porn if you really feel as bad as you say you do.

id: 41959 - Text:  @redwoodninja5334  This is simply because the statistic for sexual abuse in girls/women is so high. The statistic is 1 in 6 and there are thousands of women in porn, so do the math.

id: 41963 - Text:  @jesse-4198  sounds like you have a porn addiction and you're trying to justify a sad existence

id: 41974 - Text: After reading the comments here, I'm even more confused than before. This Jesse guy sure does seem to know a lot about porn. Though I'm sceptical as to writer he's trying to justify a porn addiction to himself. I have a gut feeling that porn addiction is waaaay more common than is reported because of the shame involved. It's extremely tough being a guy with a problem like this and feeling like you can't talk to anyone about it. Very possible it's contributing to suicide rates being quite a bit higher among men than women.

id: 41976 - Text:  @jesse-4198  I think everybody is concerned what other people think though. And when someone says "I don't care what people think" that's always a barrier people put up to protect themselves. Counselling will help with this. Ask yourself "Do I have too much on my mind? Am I easily triggered by certain things people do or say?" If yes, then you'll definitely benefit from talking though it with a professional. Wouldn't it be nice to see a comment like the one above that set you off, and it not bother you? Why do you feel like it's your duty to "make people realise that pornstars go into porn of their own accord and aren't always abused"? Don't answer to me, answer to yourself. It's none of my business and to be quite frank about it, I doubt you'll want to answer me anyway. But that's ok too. Just look after yourself.

id: 41984 - Text:  @traktor8513  There are ethical forms of porn. It's up to us to chose it. There are actors and actresses who love their job. If we decide to go into the hardcore BS instead (which should be illegal), then we are contributing to the problem.

id: 41994 - Text:  @frankeezee  The thing about the amateur route is you don't know if everyone involved consented to having the video online. It could easily be hidden camera or revenge porn. The only way to truly know where your porn comes from is buying directly from the performers involved.
