58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 15356 - Text: Unfortunately America is SO backwards that I highly doubt they'll ever legalise sex work in other states. Thank god Australia has. Americans seem to think that they're so free but in actual fact they are not! They still kill their citizens with the death penalty and prostitution is illegal in all states but one. I think America would be one of the worst places on earth to live. People can't even access free health care. What the hell is that about?! Sadistic place.

id: 15358 - Text: The actual argument against brothels is that legalizing sex will demotivate men to start families and thus society will collapse. It's a religious argument made by assholes like Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro & Tim Pool. We need large & oganized lobbying for legal prostitution in America. Make it proud. Make it safe. All these stories about sex trafficking & rape would not happen in legal brothels. As they'd be shut down. Pushing it underground only makes it more dangerous for women. Legal prostituion would be the freest of free markets that could exist. Not selling sugar that causes diabetes or tobacco that causes cancer... they'd sell sex that relieves stress, boosts oxytoxin & endorphins.. Makes people feel good! One of the few things that makes life worth struggling for. We need brothels in every state across America.

id: 15362 - Text: Make sex work illegal so that a worker at the Bunny Ranch can go from making 2000 USD per shift, to being evicted and sleeping in a Car in the desert . Just because..

id: 15365 - Text: Have you notice, people who don't have regular weekly sex with these ladies are people who would likely end up with severe COVID?

id: 15377 - Text: Prostitution is one of the oldest professions and will happen anyway. It will be safest if they legalize prostitution. As long as women and men have consent. are safe, and are 18 years or older then there’s no problem and this may save lives from people who are being sex trafficked.

id: 15378 - Text: Women are being sex trafficked and forced to work the corners in places where that's illegal. Solution? Ban legal brothels where everyone is vetted and inspected for STI's weekly.

id: 15380 - Text: Sorry completely against closing them as it’s likely the only thing hindering the illegal sex trade in the same way legal marijuana hinders the Mexican cartels. But go ahead argue your point. The GOP is the only party that will support your cause and they are in the process of exiting the political arena.

id: 15381 - Text: Prostitution and all sex work must be legal and safe. The only way for sex work not to be sex slavery is for the prostitutes and other sex workers to form Co-Ops. The ranches take 50% from the prostitutes and the gov't takes another 30% according to Alice Little herself. That is sex slavery. Right now it is hard to control what the gov't takes. But the 50% that the ranch takes can be cut out by forming Co-Ops. I'm sure the clubs take high percentages from the strippers and dancers too. In Co-Ops the prostitutes and other sex workers can determine their own working conditions and income. Each of the various Co-Ops can form a Federation of sex workers.

id: 15384 - Text: It has been found that places where prostitution is legal have far less cases of sexual violence against women than other places. Brothels and sex workers have to pay taxes so it's good for the economy as well.

id: 15389 - Text: Shows you the climate of America's sexual attraction when the most popular girl looks like she is 12.... It's unsettling to know she is the most sought after when there are fully developed looking women...
