31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 20289 - Text:  @sj9410  Her voice was like that when she was in her 20's. I didn't recognize her in the thumbnail and wasn't paying attention when I first played the video. When I heard her voice, I knew it sounded familiar.

id: 20303 - Text: Terrible problem in this country. Part of the reason for "the wall." I won't be surprised if this video gets a strike or taken down.

id: 20323 - Text:  @honeykiki474  I literally do that all the time, super weird, when I’m watching the video and reading the comments, the exact comment I’m reading is what is on the video at the time🤔🤔

id: 20419 - Text:  @dylanbyrum  again, where’s your degree from? Paranoia is a symptom, not the illness. Schizophrenia is NOT a catch all term, that is so moronic and damaging to say. Schizophrenia is classified as it’s own mental illness in the DSM-5. Psychosis and paranoia present in several other mental illnesses and you are also incorrect in saying her mental illness is strictly caused by trauma. Mental health professionals attribute multiple causes regarding mental illnesses, such as trauma, drug use, genetics, etc. a combination of factors is much more common in causing mental illness rather than one sole cause. Seriously, please educate yourself and learn that it’s not ok to diagnose people over the internet, especially when your just some nobody with no degree and no real knowledge on the subject. Hell, you don’t even need a degree to understand everything I said above. Just don’t diagnose people, because you literally don’t have any say when your only evidence is a one liner in a YT video lmfao.

id: 20423 - Text: Forget for a moment whether every bit of her story would have been corroborated by video records. Does anyone not believe the essence of her story, about how she has been treated and what she experienced? Maybe the six year old step-sister had an untreated infection that led to amputations, but that's fairly irrelevant to HER story. As far as the reliability of memories, at a family reunion one of my sisters was telling a funny story about herself, and another sister said "Wait - that happened to ME, not you!" They couldn't decide between themselves who it actually happened to, because they had been retelling the story for so long. Studies have shown people don't remember details well, and eyewitness accounts can be pretty damned unreliable - with the best of intentions. She is speaking her truth, regardless of whether all of the details exactly match history. That isn't lying, it's just being human, and sometimes wrong even when you're SURE.

id: 20424 - Text: They haven't watched enough videos on this channel. Hopefully they will come to change their minds and see the truth. Because none of these people are lying. They are lying to themselves if they go on believing that these people are. The thing is people have a hard time compartmentalizing how fucked up the world is. But that gives no one the right to call someone a liar. "Take care of yourselves and eachother" - Gerald "Jerry" Norman Springer

id: 20447 - Text:  @deedeeotero4475  the needles are what happens after you shoot heroin and do the nod...sometimes the needles break off. Idk anymore. Im at a loss for this video...our family was a good family

id: 20482 - Text:  @chicat853  lol wow are you so incapable of seeing facts that you can't scroll up and read? I literally provided her sisters name 2 weeks ago and that comment is still there. Like I said...some of my comments kept getting deleted... Which is very odd to me. Almost like someone moderating marks channel doesn't want his viewers to know he basically pays people to tell bullshit stories. I'm not saying this is always the case but this woman is not the first one to be discredited for telling false accounts of their life stories. Anyone capable of even basic investigative skills can find out for themselves who they are. And yes she is most definitely taking power and credit away from the true victims by not only lying about very serious, traumatic events but then having the nerve to brag about it on her own Facebook page. I'll repeat myself one more time because you don't seem to understand how to read or do simple research. Her sister's name is Marlaina Quates on Facebook. There you can see her sister Lori(the woman in this video) listed as her sister under 2 different account names. One is Lori Anne Connally and the second is Kelly Dee Fields. The Kelly Dee Fields account is where she openly talks about this channel in multiple posts and basically outs herself. Once you realize I'm not the one lying here what will your response be then? You seem to be very close-minded to obvious facts and evidence because you so badly want everyone to be a victim so I don't see you admitting the truth even to yourself. It's a good quality to want encourage the voice of the victims of this world but this woman is not one of them.

id: 20572 - Text: I couldn’t even watch this whole video her story is so traumatizing that I can actually feel her hurt in her voice. I just broke out in prayer. I Pray that GOD bless her with someone that can show her a more loving and peaceful life.

id: 20725 - Text: This is the third video in a row when the most important lesson they've learned in life is to never trust anyone, and I can't blame any of these people for feeling that way. Dang.
