10334 results for porn metiska onlyfans

id: 42080 - Text: I can’t believe the pain of women touched you enough to stop watching porn videos. Thank you. You touched my heart you are a real man ❤️ if every man was like you we wouldn’t have these traumatized people

id: 42084 - Text: Yep every porn star story is pretty terrible it’s the stuff that they don’t reveal that’s even worse.

id: 42097 - Text: Watch the documentary "9-5 days in porn"! I highly recommend it. Really eye-opening.

id: 42100 - Text: These also a lot of other interviews with porn stars who love it and are happy and had regular childhoods, so it’s kind of a guessing game when you are watching.

id: 42102 - Text: Yeah, boycott the source of income she's good with, that'll help... she can work a regular job with an abusive manager/boss hierarchy instead. She brightened up talking about porn. Quotes from the vid: "I fell in love with it because of how open everybody was with their body and how the guys made the girls feel comfortable and the girls made the guys feel comfortable and everyone's laughing." "There's a lot of protection in place for the girls." Only drug she takes is weed. She doesn't usually drink alcohol. She's enthusiastic about making it. I think she got it good from porn considering. "Sometimes you get weirdos" as in fans who write weird stuff to her. "There's not really too many downfalls." I don't see where you got the idea porn is bad for her. It seems like sunshine at the end of the storm in Luna's life, along with her husband being her rock she can count on.

id: 42103 - Text: So wait. Is it still okay to watch porn? I'm confused.

id: 42105 - Text: Porn industry is heaven despite the street! It is a work, you are an actor or an actress. People are checked and usually nice, you can accept or not the work, and you get well paid. You are free! It is not prostitution

id: 42106 - Text: Nice one - take away their pay check cos u can’t handle that they are real people 🙄 Ps .always pay for porn !!!

id: 42109 - Text:  @heatherbukowski2102  they are, often. I know some girls who do this because they like it, and they found a nice envirorment. It is a work, they see it in a different way and I admire it a lot. They inspire me freedom! Idk if you know Reiley Reid, go watch some interwiev.. she's married, she does porn, she says whitouth drama that she sucked her uber once because she wanted to.. I mean, she's free, and I admire her a lot. (Im sorry for typos Im not an english speaker)

id: 42121 - Text:  @traktor8513  unfortunately people in all walks of life have a past of abuse. Bankers, waitresses, nurses, and especially Hollywood. The #metoo movement wouldn't have taken off if abuse wasn't everywhere. Working in porn isn't a symptom of their past😉
