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id: 15508 - Text: You are all blissfully ignorant and naive in your little worlds. But this topic is a SERIOUS topic and a very REAL one. Prostitution was the main cause of rape/violence/all kinds of crimes. And it has been one of the main causes of such for many many hundreds of years. Porn is SUPERVISED very closely, understand that? There are numerous mechanisms in place that serve as supervision for porn COMPANIES. Most of the ILLEGAL SEX happens privately in your own little rooms and your girlfriend's rooms, and they don't realise it untill its far too late. And NO i am NOT an EXPERT in this matter, i simply have 2 fingers in front of my face got it? WAKE THE FIK UP

id: 15510 - Text: I agree with John whether you make Porn illegal or not or shut down Brothels, it's not going to affect rape or murders related to sexual violence. Because it's all in the mentality and as long as some low life crude minded male (And I am saying this as a male) with twisted mind with beliefs 'women are an OBJECT for them to violently exploit and then throw them out as they please' exists.

id: 15512 - Text:  @johnlove6194  You guys don’t understand because you are not willing to . You can only dream of knowing about the consequences of prostituition, you need a wake up call to reality, its not a perfect world...... Also sex has the same chemical and psychological effects as any other escape activity such as consuming/entertainment/burning calories/building muscle/killing/bleeding/crying/etc etc etc. If you are not able to have legal sex you are a universe away of being "worthy" of having any kind of illegal sex. You don’t give a gun to a Child just like you don’t give a woman to a man regardless of how much you desire it. Fkuing brain less

id: 15516 - Text: ​ @Andrew-xc8xe  "If you are not able to have legal sex you are a universe away of being "worthy" of having any kind of illegal sex." - And you've just made your point very clear with that statement. So many jealous, controlling women want prostitution to be illegal because they wrongfully believe that sex should be something that a man has to earn, and not something that can be easily bought.

id: 15518 - Text: ​ @Andrew-xc8xe  People like you are creating your own problem. The violence, exploitation and abuse taking place in the sex industry occurs BECAUSE sex work is illegal. The abused parties can't come forward for fear of being charged with prostitution. By criminalizing the industry, you're forcing everyone involved out from under the supervision and protection of the justice system and perpetuating the exploitation of prostitutes. An activity isn't inherently detrimental to your mental health just because it makes you feel good via serotonin & dopamine release. Eating, exercising and engaging in leisure activities are all healthy, normal activities and only become escapism when you're USING THEM TO ESCAPE SOMETHING. Additionally, killing has a profoundly negative effect on a normal person's psyche... only sociopaths and the severely ill would enjoy such an act. Someone's inability to obtain sexual interactions traditionally in no way invalidates their desires. Who the hell are you to determine anyone's "worthiness" to have consensual sex, you egomaniac? Legal prostitution would mean those working in the industry would be PROVIDING A SERVICE of their own volition for which they are compensated in REGULATED, SAFE AND HYGENIC conditions; nobody would be "given" to anybody else, legal sex work is not a slave trade. Countries today that've implemented legal prostitution have confirmed all of this along with a host of benefits for their citizens. The data supports legalization as the best course of action for everyone involved. Your opinions on the topic are contradicted by evidence, blatantly reductive of the subject, painfully short-sighted, grossly dismissive of others and entirely corrosive to the wellbeing of society. Kindly keep your ignorance to yourself.

id: 15521 - Text: The irony of advocating for women's equality by trying to ban the right for women to do sex work. Poor Kimberly

id: 15523 - Text:  @Andrew-xc8xe  Nope, prostitution bring down violence and rape to a bare minimum. And another important fact: People becomes more productive in their work. I also remember getting better grades in school after saving a part of my lunch money for sex.

id: 15528 - Text: Yes my FRIEND they are the same thing, guns=illegal sex. I am done with youtube comment section for today this is a "never ending" pitfall of infectious retardness

id: 15531 - Text: Sex worker should be legal every where

id: 15534 - Text: BeastModeJelly Jeffrey is a weirdo but I don’t believe killing ppl for sex work.
