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id: 15538 - Text: ChaosChampion Switzerland is ahead then American in a lot ways and how much is average sex there?

id: 15541 - Text: Here the pasta take it. You are all blissfully ignorant and naive in your little worlds. But this topic is a SERIOUS topic and a very REAL one. Prostitution was the main cause of rape/violence/all kinds of crimes. And it has been one of the main causes of such for many many hundreds of years. Porn is SUPERVISED very closely, understand that? There are numerous mechanisms in place that serve as supervision for porn COMPANIES. Most of the ILLEGAL SEX happens privately in your own little rooms and your girlfriend's rooms, and they don't realise it untill its far too late. And NO i am NOT an EXPERT in this matter, i simply have 2 fingers in front of my face got it? WAKE THE FIK UP

id: 15544 - Text:  @jessefkoyd4583  so you want women to go back to the kitchen? because how could you be sure she would not do the same thing on her own for money, if the men are willing to pay she is gonna do it either way if it is legal or not, then why not ban drugs? some drugs are still permitted, right? then why are clothes, Bikini's, and Porn not ban? you clearly know for who Women wear those clothes for? then why are restricting them on one end and then freeing them up on the other end, either you want old school regulated society or a free society. I am a right supporter myself, but I have no right for anyone to tell them not to do it or encourage them to do it because it is not like "Prostitution" was available even in the name of Religion, when you legalized prostitution you can actually prevent Rape cases, I don't understand how are these women telling they are forced into prostitution literally even the first Pimps for Prostitution was women themselves only nowadays you see men as pimps. there are even countries that have not legalized prostitution but the rape cases are really high. would you like a society where a woman is raped and killed or you want to give a choice for men when they want to do it they can. then remove Los Vegas entirely why do you have strip clubs than what do you think happens there? yes, I agree this is like treating women as property, but if the women want it to be, then who are you to say that she cannot do it? if she is your daughter tell her, even you only have rights to your daughter at the age of 18, a parent cannot control a child once she becomes Independent she can do anything for her work and we cannot stop it if you want to control them for the rest of their lives, then just let them stay with you for the rest of the life. just go back to the Joint family days and do not let your children work till they get married because that is the only solution, now literally that is the society we live in a parent does not even have control over their children, they literally cannot tell their children not to have sex before marriage that is how worse the society has become that is our fault we "Conservatives" we let them have that rule, now we are suffering. in my opinion don't be a half progressive and be a half conservative. if you are a conservative go full 100% keep the women in the kitchen literally and let men work do not give them sexual freedom if you want to be a progressive go full 100%. Don't stay in the centre that will just invoke rage no matter what (from both sides).

id: 15550 - Text: Preach!! There's also no HR to turn to, to report a creepy client, or heck your own boss... The arguments for the criminalization of sex work are so absurd on so many business and safety fronts... Where are you from?

id: 15551 - Text:  @guyr305  after they stinged some innocent civilians that fell for a trap of a sexy woman they bribed...

id: 15556 - Text: Make prostitution illegal so that it goes underground where women are forced into the sex trade. The Government , in it's infinite wisdom, CAN'T EVER stop prostitution any better than they have been successful in the War on Drugs ( which is a joke). The best thing is to make it legal so that it is safe for everyone.

id: 15559 - Text: Anybody else want to buy that sex toy she was reviewing? She sold that shit xD

id: 15563 - Text: We send off our young men to war to be blown to bits and murder other people...There are worse things people have to do then have sex with people.

id: 15564 - Text: Hello everyone at Journeyman Pictures! My name is Dillon Mastromarino and I’m an aspiring journalism student at the University of South Florida. I’m currently doing a final project on sex work in Florida and I wanted to ask your permission to use some of this video as part of my final project.  It would be purely for academic purposes, I would not sell or distribute your video. I just need some footage, which you folks have already shot beautifully, that I could use as b-roll for part of my project.  If needed, I can even venmo you some money. Again, I would not use the video for commercial purposes and you can hold me accountable for that. It’s purely academic.  Let me know what you think and I hope to hear from you soon. Thanks!

id: 15570 - Text: She explored her sexualities cash flow from suckers reality, shes not in no way in touch with her sexuality.
