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id: 15609 - Text:  @lachusity  Why is prostitution not "tangible" in reality? Because it goes against your morals AND because these women can choose a different profession? There is absolutely nothing wrong with a woman CHOOSING to use her body for sex to earn a paycheck. Even Alice said, Bunny Ranch provides a service for men that desire it. She also says that the clients are not allowed to physically abuse the employees. As for your question, I support women's freedom because not only are there millions more women that don't have freedom (sexual freedom too) due to religion than trafficking but in some countries, women have no rights at all.

id: 15610 - Text:  @ferg9401  Read again, I didnt say prostitution is not tangible, but the DIFFERENCE between willing and unwilling prostitution can be hardly differentiated. Its basically impossible in practice. "There is absolutely nothing wrong with a woman CHOOSING to use her body for sex to earn a paycheck." I said the same, you are not listening. Prostitution does not only harms womens sexual freedom, but it directly creates victims of abuse, whose women will never enjoy sex again. Prostitution is not about promiscuity and joyful sexual fantasies, it is about power, domination, abuse, coercion. Why do you think are there so many raped and murdered prostitutes?... It seems that you are more against religious conservatives, than for actually saving victims.

id: 15611 - Text:  @lachusity  What makes you think I'm against religious conservatives? You're failing to understand that there is a difference between willful prostitution and trafficking. One is forced, the other isn't. It's like you're blatantly ignoring the difference between the two because of your moral beliefs. By the way, I'm not against religious conservatives. What I am against is someone telling me what I'm not allowed to do with my life. Someone telling me I don't have the right to exercise my free will. You're telling me that criminalizing trafficking would give women more freedom. I actually agree with you. But what you need to understand is you can't "decriminalize prostitution" and "criminalize the buyer and seller" at the same time. The buyer (the customer) and seller (the prostitute) is not synonymous with trafficking. The women at Bunny Ranch is "the seller". "The buyer" is the man desiring the woman selling sex. I don't care if you think it's good digging or not. Prostitution wouldn't exist without a "buyer" and "seller".

id: 15613 - Text:  @lachusity  How do I differentiate a willful prostitute from a forced one in practice? One word: WILLFUL. A child can understand that and because I'm having to explain the difference to you tells me your intelligence level. Free will and free acts are literally the same thing. What you're not understanding is consequence. Example: a man exercises his free will (free act) to rape a woman BUT NOT WITHOUT CONSEQUENCE. Consequence is separate from free will. Consequence is the RESULT for the man that chose to rape the woman. Not the man's free will. What countries have "decriminalized" prostitution and "criminalized" the buyer? I want to know because it is impossible to do both. Prostitution would not exist without a buyer and seller. That is basic logic and economics. You can't buy sex if it's not being offered for money. "The problem is the seller is often forced to sell". THAT is trafficking. Not WILLFUL prostitution like Bunny Ranch. Your logic and argument is flawed.

id: 15615 - Text:  @lachusity  "Willful" means intentional. That is the definition of the word. Anyone with vocabulary of 7 year old can understand that. I'm honestly not surprised I had to explain it to you because of how much you've argued against it. FYI, it does matter where I live because as I said before not every country handles problems like trafficking, gun control, drug control, etc the same way. You've made it so obvious now that your argument against trafficking and prostitution (willful or forced) is influenced by policy and not a women's freedom to decide if she wants to be a prostitute or not. By the way, countries that allow prostitution but criminalize the buy and seller also criminalize prostitution. Prostitution DOES NOT EXIST without a buyer (the customer) and a seller (the prostitute). If it's not being sold, it's not prostitution. Just FYI, here's the definition of prostitution since it seems you don't understand how it works: the practice or occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for PAYMENT. That is why unless there is a seller, it is NOT prostitution. I recommend you learn the definition of words before making an argument on them.

id: 15643 - Text: prostitution should be banned and punishment should be 100 lashes sex work is not work you lazy thots

id: 15645 - Text: how is this not linked to the silk road pedophile training into sex worker genre.... do people still not understand duress of the mind with dirty water and drugs.. concept and words used in certain ways etc

id: 15651 - Text: Thank fuck I don’t live in the USA because I live in Australia where sex work is legal in licensed brothels and independent escorts

id: 15654 - Text: BeastModeJelly Im only for independent sex workers and licensed brothels I’m against human trafficking and pimping

id: 15657 - Text: Exiest idiot? I understand every single view of this... It's just like cocaine drugs,giving the image of this being a job will encourage more and more girls to say "fuck school,imma be a slut" and so we(the universe) will have less professionals, that means less doctors,less nurses,lawyers,scientists,less chance of a better future for humanity. Mens not men enough would agree with you because they probably can't be man enough to have a date with a nice sexy girl so they pay sluts. I just imagine myself overcoming the oppressing forces,getting give it to a slut with a stretched,worn down pussy..😤 Are you going to recommend a brothel to your daughter or mother? 😒
