31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 23656 - Text:  @stacey6229  at the end of the video he states he appreciates everything she ever did for him and states that shes a real one n has love for her.. he showed his respect on her name

id: 23706 - Text: He has you'd have to go look thru all the videos

id: 23741 - Text: How is this video even free. I could listen to Kenny Red all day.

id: 23762 - Text:  @SoftWhiteUnderbelly  I guess my point is, in mostly all of your videos, you’d hear the pimps out, but still have your reservations. This video seemed a little different in the way you willingly offered up your thoughts on the belief that there are actually some pimps that aren’t bad. Idk if that’s because you were talking to Kenny Red, a legendary pimp of prestige, or because you actually finally believed it. I’m not generalizing, just bringing awareness to that fact; that not all are bad. Just as I don’t generalize all cops. I don’t believe in the fact that all cops are bad and are out to kill unarmed Black men. We shouldn’t soil the name of the good cops because of the many bad ones. We shouldn’t sully the names of the many good pimps out there because of the plethora of “ho hustlers” out here.

id: 24025 - Text: Hey my name is Robbie Minnich I'm a 27 year old fentanyl and meth addict from Dayton Ohio if u are interested I'd love to speak with u about maybe doing a video I think you may find my story interesting.

id: 24061 - Text: I feel people forget the whole reason Mark decided to start conducting these interviews with the people he does it with, people wouldn’t ever give these types of people the time of day to explain in detail how they got into this lifestyle or why they do it, it’s not the fact that he’s trying to romanticize the idea of pimps and prostitution, he’s giving us a glimpse of the real reality many people are facing now, this is what they do to survive and how they get by, the ones commenting and watching these videos 9/10 will never have to deal with what these people go through, I watch these videos and I sit here and I thank everyone who’s in my life right now for getting me to where I am and thanking myself for never having to be put in the situations they’ve been in, have an open mind and really think deeper into why he would constantly be doing interviews with these types of people, who would be considered “more worthy”? What determines someone’s worthiness of a conversation much less an interview of their life and lifestyle?

id: 24091 - Text:  @anthonyjudah6703  I am very much familiar with this Chapter, and how fitting that you mention it, because I believe it can be interpreted as an example of pimping and prostitution. Abraham prostituted Sarai to Pharoah, telling her to lie and say she was not his wife. In return, they were given many gifts. However, plague soon spread in the land. Once Pharoah realized that Sarai was actually Abraham's wife, and that he had been deceived, they both were soon sent on their way and driven from the land. Now as you can see I have my opps in these comments, but as the word states in Romans 8:36 "As it is written: 'For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered" So I accept my fate because I willingly die to the things of this world. My back is in fact turned on it. All who wish to follow me can do so, for when you follow me you see the light, and that light shining is the God in me, that illuminates that which is dark. What I have come to learn as I get deeper in ministry, is that people don't want a light shined on that darkness. People don't want to be saved until their back is against the wall and there is no other choice but to cry out to God. Them gang hands turn into prayer hands real quick then. And sometimes that's the place God needs us in so that we will listen to him. True enough, Mr. Red has lived royally off of his hoe earnings, however all I have to do is watch Soft White Underbelly videos to realize that he is few and far between. For every Kenny Red there are 30 "hoe hustlers" as Mark puts it. In all actuality I don't even judge him. Perhaps there is some humanity in him. After all he talked of how he could have turned out a young woman, but he chose not to because he saw that she had a future that was bigger than the game. Then I begin to wonder how Mr. Red truly feels as he sits free and yet his son sits in jail as I speak for emulating what he saw. All that glitters- well you know the rest. If Mr. Red himself had been a doctor, could his son, would his son have become a Dr. too instead of a peddler of flesh? After all, are we are all not products of our environment? I speak as a witness, that if in fact we die to ourselves and follow another path-God's path and purpose for our lives-then it doesn't matter what our beginnings are. So yes, I dare to offer encouragement and alternative points of views for those young and impressionable (specifically young woman) seeking to enter the game. There is a better way. I refuse to sit here and believe my God created a woman solely to lay on her back and barter the most precious part of herself away for a price. Period. Those who don't understand or feel where I'm coming from, this message is not for them. But for those who are willing to see, and hear, they will see and they will hear, God willing. In closing I will leave you with a little story. Kenny Red is by far not the first man to call himself such. Once upon a time there lived a petty criminal by the name of Chicago Red. He was a drug addict ,he was a pimp too. By any means necessary is what his motto was, and I am sure he took from the streets the many tough lessons, and applied them to what would become his new way of life. After many trials and tribulations, Chicago Red was able to overcome his humble beginnings, and was from then on known as Malcolm X. Kenny Red, though he may not be a young man any longer, has much life left in him. Who knows what God will do for him, and what his new name will be. "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17

id: 24106 - Text:  @britt709  not sure if you even listened to the interview or read what I said? or maybe you were responding to the wrong person? lol. not once did i say he should be telling them what they’re doing is wrong/illegal or calling the police? I absolutely understand the intent of these videos is to educate but there’s a GLARING difference between education and the admirative tone Mark for this man. if you didn’t pick up on, that’s okay 👍🏽

id: 24109 - Text:  @glowwithmebri  because that’s what they believe they’re doing . Just because he’s agreeing with what they’re saying in the video doesn’t mean that’s his own convictions. He’s literally said things like I haven’t seen other ppl use spice to get off of heroin as if what they’re doing is a fascinating or good thing. That doesn’t mean he agrees with what they’re doing. Mark literally has said in interviews that he believes a lot of ppl that come on this show are lying about how they treat others. N doesn’t believe some of the shit they say nor does he agree with it.

id: 24131 - Text: Pls do a video w/Martina & K. Red! Tht is wht the ppl R waiting for!
