58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1319659 - Text: When he puts "African American" in the title (clickbait) is he referring to the owners or the male strippers?? Either way, let's stop with this racist labeling nonsense. It puts black people on this victim pedestal & whites in this oppressor/inferior category which helps NO ONE. This is no different than critical race theory which programs us to see color instead of character. Stop interviewing racist woke people & trans people who think its ok for CHILDREN to change their sex. Its a very dark & dangerous agenda you're promoting which is only disguised as diversity & inclusivity. I hope you start to show the truth as well around gender dysphoria: how its a mental illness which shouldn't be celebrated as trendy & the dark agenda behind it.

id: 1319665 - Text: No we need taboos they keep society sensible we’re not sex animals were intellectually beings

id: 1319697 - Text: This is good? They commercialized God’s gift of sex and you think this is good? Disgusting

id: 1319710 - Text:  @tomsanto4056  no SEX or DRUGS or GUNS industry in EUROPE like AMERICANS have 400MILLION GUNS IN PRIVATE HANDS USA.

id: 1319711 - Text:  @nicolehall4266  go do something productive start a law firm, a black construction company or somthing why commercialize sex shows your low morals

id: 1319716 - Text: Why are people watching this video if they have a problem with sex work? Nobody cares about your criticism. Just watch the video. Mark please continue to annoy these losers with African American in the titles.

id: 1319727 - Text: Did they just try to science their way around making money from strip clubs? This was a very articulate way of saying We are making a lot of money, because sex sells and it is the oldest business around. The rest is just putting a nice little bow around it. Really, it's not humanitarian work we are talking about here people.

id: 1319728 - Text: Not all black, brown, or white women are raised that way. We use to be the majority, not anymore, poor parenting and women bringing babies they can't take care of, end up in the system,,,yadda Bring back judeo Christian decency. I'm no prude. There is a need for this for expression and to gain a healthy sexual understanding of oneself. The pendulum needs to move in the middle. Good luck. God bless.

id: 1319733 - Text: These two are absolutely amazing. Bright, articulate. Yeah man. Interesting that he spent half of the video talking about female sexuality when there was a black woman sitting next to him who could tell that story herself. Would have liked to hear more from her. Thanks Mark for bringing her in. She’s got it going on. Both of them are brilliant though, hats off. Good story. Love that they showed there was a market for it. Makes me mad that those promoters didn’t even recognise that there was a market for it. That actually shows just how invisible black woman are. Power to these two, and may you continue to cash in too!

id: 1319745 - Text: Is it me or this lady sexy af?…no disrespect my gosh
