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id: 1321026 - Text: If you prostitute yourself you have to numb your feelings with drugs otherwise you wouldnt make it through all the things that many men do to you. So when you go to rehab and sober up all the trauma comes back and hits you right in the guts, and heart. So the circle begins again by numbing the trauma with drugs. To get the amount of money for your addiction you end right up where you were to begin with: prostitution. A neverending circle. Same when you are a child sexual abuse surviver. Almost all of those interviewed endured sexual abuse. Sad that so many monsters mostly men destroy these precious lifes without any remorse or regret in their doings. Bad enough they blame the victims (children, too) that they wanted it. Shame on you, all you not yet detected sexual torturer out there. Hope you will all get what you deserve: a long prison sentence and till that a bad life with painful suffering like all survivers of it have to endure......

id: 1321213 - Text:  @melyssarevilla1468  not worthy of life because of suffering?? Well then, we best get to nuking 3rd world countries, ghettos and begin worldwide sterilization..not every child with a drug free, prostitute free, mother will be fact, I think it's quite fair to say every single child will experience unhappiness, depression and anxiety at some point in their life..I'll even go as far to say psychological OR emotional OR physical OR sexual abuse will happen in their lifetime, form of these abuses OR all..maybe only 1 time OR repeatedly..and THAT is reality..the only way to keep any life from suffering is by not allowing it to live..I really think people don't understand the gravity of an unexamined life..seriously, look into the process of different adoption agencies..the mothers can be cared for, even helped directly by the adopting parents..every adoption is not the same..some will allow the birth mother to continue to be in the child's life, although they don't usually have them unsupervised, with some restrictions..and some would rather not be in the child's life at all, which is fine..some will allow the stipulation of reconnecting AFTER the child turns 18, if the child looks for them as an adult..some mother's choose the parents that want to adopt their child, some don't..some mother's decide as soon as they're pregnant, to give the baby up..some don't decide until the very last minute..some give birth, have the baby for a couple of days or weeks but then take the baby to a hospital, police or fire station..they can give the child up and walk away with zero charges, that let's the baby be adopted..being pro-life is not saying the mother is stuck with that child for 18yrs with no options and no help..I hear this over and over, and that's just not correct..newborns GET adopted when the parent signs ALL rights away..newborns go into the foster care system when an unfit parent doesn't sign away their rights and the child is taken away..for you to believe that no one in the world will help them, that "nobody is doing nothing for these kids", is backed with zero evidence..if you would like to provide the evidence of that specific information, I'm glad to hear it =) also understand that Jesus Christ was sinless yet was bloodied, beaten, humiliated and then crucified..His Blood was shed on that cross to save ALL of humanity..but if you looked at that "case file" thousands of years ago and had known what would happen to Him, you would have recommended He be aborted than suffer? I don't bring that up particularly in arguments of abortion BUT you said you were a Christian =) most importantly, argue with facts, not emotion..that's the best way to go about it =) God bless 💜💜💜

id: 1321216 - Text:  @melyssarevilla1468  A life has worth, regardless of the disagree, by saying the circumstances supercede the right to life..what you are saying is life is subjective, to your guesses..BUT keep in mind, their own personal worth stands on their own..what you are saying is that if you deem a possible path too much to endure, too painful, their "worth" falls below that standard of living, not above it..on the other side of the spectrum, if you disagree and say "no, they are too worthy to endure suffering", you've painted yourself into a corner..if you are saying they have tremendous worth, you're saying regardless, it doesn't matter, denying the potential from within are putting a status of "worth" on these individuals, even if you don't use that specific word..I'm glad you brought up "shitty parents" as an excuse (well it's not really an excuse because I don't believe you're ordained in seeing every bit of a person's future existence before it happens), because recently I've been having a back and forth with a wonderful woman named Nancy Little..she has explained in GREAT detail of the unimaginable abuse she suffered as far back as she can remember..abusive narcissistic sociopathic parents, that denied her love and actual physical care..she actually just had her 76th surgery for injuries sustained as a child..her mother sexually abused her growing up and would even drop her off to be molested by her friend who was a female doctor..she briefly explains her existence in this short video below, that's a 14min clip..she won a humanitarian award and was asked to tell her story to the audience We've discussed alot, including myself and others helping her (even though you don't think "nobody does nothing")..and she explained to me through messages and emails, that even if she could push a button to forget EVERYTHING in her past, she wouldn't do that..she uses EVERY BIT of that pain to fuel and help other's..she had a family and went into social work for a very long time (which her daughter went into also), but had to go on disability because of injuries caused from her childhood..YET she continues to work with people, work with kids, and be that voice for change in each of their let EVERY child be heard and not judged..she doesn't at all regret her existence OR thought she should have been aborted =) and calmly and rationally discussing a point, as I'm doing, is not me being "triggered" =) I'm literally stating facts while other comments are from an emotional argument and perspective..someone stating facts, while someone else argues with emotion, means the person that's "triggered" is the latter =) God bless 💜💜💜

id: 1321298 - Text: This stuff literally blows my mind and breaks my heart. It's amazing how any kind of abuse or lack of love as child can turn a person into something they never wanted to be. I watch these videos, a great deal of them and sit and say to myself that could of been me. I could have taken the multiple types of abuse I endured and turned to drugs and sex work to just stop the hurt. I am incredibly grateful and fortunate that I didn't go that route. Because often times that is what happens, people find any way, regardless if it's unhealthy or dangerous and find a way to cope the best way they can. I see these videos and hope that one day these people find their way like I did. I had two beautiful boys, and a great job and bought a home. And I could never be more grateful. These videos really made me appreciate the things I have. Even during the intense struggles I was never that bad off as many others are. ❣️

id: 1321303 - Text: It’s so sad that men pay to have sex with 13 year olds. 😭😭😭😭

id: 1321307 - Text: you can tell her view of reality is very warped. "no other choice" have many choices...go flip burgers at mcdonalds and you can make money you dont have to sell yourself for sex.

id: 1321423 - Text: Snow White has integrity and I'm glad that she isn't going to have an abortion. And I really hope and pray that she gets out of the lifestyle, as she believes In God and I pray right now that he breaks the chains of oppression for her. The drugs, the sex work and abandonment that she has faced.

id: 1321488 - Text: Imagine a society in which prostitution and drugs are legalized. A society in which a 13 year old found on the street gets help, instead of being passed along to a pimp. A society in which Snow White is a business woman with a security person on her payroll as opposed to being beaten and used by a pimp, or completely alone. A society in which people get counseling and addictions treatment, instead of getting hassled and imprisoned when doing their best to escape the miserable and violent parts of their existence through substance use. A society in which sex workers are not laughed at when going to the police to report a rape, or other violence. There are countries that are trying to make a reality of these imaginings. It is not perfect, but a work in progress.

id: 1321562 - Text:  @coconutbarbelle  I've had sexual abuse as a child ,rape as an young adult,had two husbands walk out on me two children to raise alone I've had abusive relationships ... borderline personality disorder depression yet still I havent sold my body or taken any drug or cigarette while pregnant ! ...and I know I never would..if I was on the street sure I'd most likely hussle , steal, anything to survive but to put an unborn i baby through that pain ....NEVER! ...she miscarried the baby btw so I'm not sorry for my views

id: 1321606 - Text: change the description to sex worker
