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id: 1322189 - Text: Oh you poor, dumb thing. Just stop talking for a sec and watch this interview of yourself with your mouth gently shifted into the park position. You don't automatically give life to a rapist's baby because of some demented, nonsensical belief system that you've never even scrutinized. That's the wrong place to draw a moral line in the sand that you refuse to cross. Look at yourself here and have the guts to be honest, and negative, if that's what the truth becomes. There are things that we do in life that we're meant to be ashamed of. You feel less than others because you are totally selling yourself short by working as a prostitute and your unconscious mind sees all of it and forgets nothing. There is no escape from ourselves!   Stop all this madness and look in the mirror so you can really see what's happening in your life, before you get dealt a fuckin' death card, sister. In the fairy-tale, that psychopathic old witch kills Snow White, and she stays dead if she doesn't receive the kiss of an honest man. Hate to contradict your hysterical prejudices but all men ARE NOT garbage, rapist, pedophile abuser idiots. You're putting yourself in the position to meet only the trash and then have sex with em'. No wonder you've got the blues kid! You're about to give birth to the offspring of what you hate! Whatever it takes, get free of this evil!. Sometimes we have ask for forgiveness because the things piled up in our unconscious are too sick and abhorrent for us to be able to forgive ourselves.We become too weak and disgusted to stop resenting ourselves. Sometimes we come to a place so dark and sick and agonizing that have to ask. Sometimes people get so seriously fucked up that only God can restore em' to reason. We have to confess that no matter what we have done, we simply cannot heal ourselves.... We have to tell the cold truth about all of it, from the bottom of our guts,... We have to ask for God's aid in that Holy Name.... We have to say it with humility and repentance.... And then,..sometimes... a light comes.. If you will stay with it, it will stay with you. And as you move forward into the valley of darkness As you make your way beneath the shadow of Death You'll fear no evil... Good luck out there Snow White

id: 1322231 - Text: Imagine how many men who frequent prostitutes have knowingly or unknowingly had sex with a minor. All the pimps who are trafficking children.

id: 1322240 - Text:  @hannahherrera4003  Even though she was raped, we assumed she'd be on permanent bc, not the "Oh excuse me I need to dig out a condom" Prostitution is sex work. Obviously pregnancy would be a big issue before exploring the job. This may sound judgey, but it's not. It's an observation not a condemnation.

id: 1322480 - Text: Jessica DeTrant - I’m not criticising her for being raped am I ?! I’m criticising her for not having permanent contraception .. she’s already abandoned 2 children and she says she’s been raped numerous times... she shouldn’t be getting pregnant either via consensual sex or rape

id: 1322606 - Text: He must have did something to her otherwise she wouldn't have called it rape.. or do you think a sex worker can't get raped?

id: 1322619 - Text: She says that she doesn't want anyone to control her or for her to be under anyone but she is under the men that pay her for sex. Giving more than she ever would with just words. On top of that, she gets raped and she seems to think that is not a type of bondage. As if it only is something of the past and won't happen again. I think that it comes down to denial. But I hope she gets more love for herself. And finds that she can be part of the world that works together in a way that is self empowering and not self degrading. I love her personality. She has a charm and it looks like it is being weighed down with all the shit she is dealing with constantly. The drugs will eventually wash that away if she continues to use them to cover the truths that are trying to get to the surface.

id: 1322642 - Text: What about using birth control if your job is a sex worker? I'm not judging just asking. Even if homeless or poor there are free clinics in California to help.

id: 1322700 - Text: I feel this woman’s pain. Crack takes hold fast, in this life. I had a pimp and a trick give it to me to “facilitate the process,” and it does. All the pain and fear of it went right out of my head. I’m not downing escorting or legal sex work but, working the streets, you don’t want to do it again without crack. At first, it even helps you make money. Very soon, you never make money again (that you don’t smoke) and the side effects and constant need to smoke keep you from working. It makes you ignore that intuition that warns you about psycho tricks or cops. You do things for simps and dealers you would never have talked to (a pimp would not want a girl on this drug). I got off it through court ordered treatment, but not until an OD that could have gone the other way. I’m still working, and the hardest thing is when tricks are using. There’s no way to know what they’re going to have...they’re not gonna just tell you they got a pile of crack, unless they know you. Also you’re feeling like you’re losing money, because tricks who spend on crack throw money and you lose those clients. One night I made $2800 from a smoker from a rich family, but it was gone in a weekend. Losing those dates was no loss. If I could go back to the point that this girl was at, I would try to stop right away (although it may have been too late to not have to go through the whole cycle). For me it was 7 years up in smoke. I thought quitting was impossible but now I can’t see going back. If you are in this situation, go to wherever you have to (if possible) and stop for as long as you can. If you mess up, quit again. I’ve done it 100 times but now I’m good. I am coming up on 4 years off opiates & a year off crack, back to school, and good things are happening. If you read this, Snow White, you can do it, too! Crack is a lying promises to help you and grinds you out, instead.

id: 1322863 - Text: And her poor baby will suffer the consequences. These stories almost always originate in early trauma and sexual abuse. It is heartbreaking. I am gonna take a break, this is just too much for me today. Hope she gets help soon.

id: 1322876 - Text: I feel deeply for the woman that walk the street and do sex work. It’s a sad lonely hard life no one should have to go through that. And I will always pray and wish they are able to get out of that life :( don’t judge these woman please they are no different than anyone) God bless this beautiful soul. I see you and giving you a virtual hug
