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id: 1323275 - Text: DesignzRUs1 The crack itself is what’s selfish. It doesn’t matter how good a person you are, it will steal everything from you. You are just lucky you weren’t in a situation like hers where you were ripe for addiction if you tried it. When you are putting up with unwanted sex to survive, you will try anything that might help you get through that. The world is cruel enough... no need to be cruel to each other. ✌🏻

id: 1323401 - Text: Jordan effbaby First Of All The Bible Says No Sex Before Marriage If You Believe In The Bible Or Not Thats Your Business I’m Not Going To Hell Having Random Sex With Multiple Men And Clearly You Didn’t Listen To The Vid Where She Said DONT DO IT I Don’t Agree With The Unless You Have To Part But Since You Feel So Strongly About My Comment You Can Go Open Up Your Ass And Sell It On A Corner 🙃

id: 1323404 - Text:  @PrettyColorsDoe  yes you would, if the right guy offered the right price. It's all relative. A street prostitute will obviously take less than a hypothetical situation where a non smelly non horrible looking man offered almost any girl the right amount of money they would do it. But it's never going to happen so you girls can say you'd never do it. On the other hand most prostitutes who sex means very little to them and they are detached and need the money will accept less money. It's ALL relative. U can say u don't but everyone has a price

id: 1323411 - Text: PrettyColorsDoe Thank You For Being A Smart Woman He Paid For Sex Before That’s Why He Feels The Way He Feels Lol We Are Not Above Anyone Just Because We Make Choices In Life To Earn Honest Money Prostitution Is Not A Freaking Job But Obviously Jordan Thinks It Is

id: 1323412 - Text: Marcee Moss I gathered that from his response as well - he clearly had paid for sex before and is trying to provide a rationale for it in reason “any woman would do it” if offered the right amount of money. He couldn’t be more wrong. Like you said, we make our choices in life and should not ever made to feel that we are wrong in deciding that acts like prostitution are a reasonable option. I’m not going to feel bad for saying I’m “too good” for that because ....I am too good for that. Periodt

id: 1323432 - Text:  @EricOWilliam  Yes, trauma especially from childhood is hard to shake even w/therapy which myself have had on and off over the years (abandomment, child abuse, sexual abuse); and if your among those who beat you down or doesn't consider 'walking a mile in someone else's shoes', PTSD becomes a compounded dilemma.

id: 1323467 - Text:  @chloefrancesca_ , Human Papilloma Virus can be Prevented with HPV Vaccine/Immunization, and can be Transmitted from Mother to Child, including Males: Males should also Receive Immunizations, including for HPV. Papilloma is a DNA Cell, that RNA Cells Replicate into specific Tissue Cells: Epithelial Cells: Skin, Mucosal, specifics of Organ Tissue, not the entire Organ. Papilloma Virus is an RNA Virus that Initiates in a Papilloma Cell, but Papilloma Viruses are also Viruses that are usually Known as Sexually Transmitted Infectious Viruses: Warts, etc. Human Papilloma can Cause Genital Cancers. Conclusively, Papilloma Viruses Evolve from Pollutants, Poisons, including from Intoxicants, that Cause Papilloma Inflammation, and "Eruptions", that can Evolve to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndromes, that include Viruses other than Human Immunodeficiency Virus, and that are usually not Comprehensive as Cancers, Lupus, etc. "Prototype: the archetypal example of a class of living organisms, astronomical objects, or other items." "Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a small, non-enveloped deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) virus that infects skin or mucosal cells... ...Identification of a viral agent such as HPV as a major cause of diseases implies that prophylactic vaccines or interventions against the viral agent should prevent the disease(s) it causes. At least 13 of more than 100 known HPV genotypes can cause cancer of the cervix and are associated with other anogenital cancers and cancers of the head and neck. The two most common "high-risk" genotypes (HPV 16 and 18) cause approximately 70% of all cervical cancers... ...Two "low-risk" genotypes (HPV 6 and 11) cause genital warts, a common benign condition of the external genitalia that causes significant morbidity. HPV is highly transmissible, with peak incidence soon after the onset of sexual activity, and most persons acquire infection at some time in their lives...": "A papilloma is a benign (non-cancerous) tumor arising from an epithelial surface and usually known to grow in an outward direction. Commonly, a papilloma refers to squamous cell papillomas which appear as frond-like tumors that can develop almost anywhere on the body with squamous epithelium... ...In addition, there are types of papillomas in which the mechanism responsible for their occurrence isn't fully understood, as in intraductal (breast duct) papillomas and choroid plexus papillomas...":

id: 1323471 - Text:  @chloefrancesca_ , Sexual Gratification is not a Requirement of Sexual Activity, and accompanying Emotional Gratification, but is Required to Be an Intent, Attempt, and Result. The same Perspective Applies to the Effect of the Result of Sexual Activity, if Applicable: Species Reproduction. If a Value of the Factors Exist, and are not Gratified, by Force, or Exclusion, the Activity is Rape. The Definition of Rape includes the Listed Factors. Conclusively, the Solution of the Problem is Mutual, and Desirable Initiation, and Dissolution of Marriage: Not any other Individuals should Be involved in Sexual Lovers Sexual Activity, with Intent of the Sexual Lovers Knowledge, Attempt, or Result of Sexual, and Emotional Gratification. "...Sexual gratification is often not a primary motivation for a rape offender...":,in%20four%20types%20of%20rapists.&text=The%20third%20type%20of%20rapist,motivated%20by%20power%20and%20aggression. "...If you have questions about marital rape laws where you live, consult a lawyer with experience in the laws of your state...":

id: 1323474 - Text:  @chloefrancesca_ , "...(k) As used in this section: (1) “Sexual penetration” is the act of causing the penetration, however slight, of the genital or anal opening of any person or causing another person to so penetrate the defendant’s or another person’s genital or anal opening for the purpose of sexual arousal, gratification, or abuse by any foreign object, substance, instrument, or device, or by any unknown object. (2) “Foreign object, substance, instrument, or device” shall include any part of the body, except a sexual organ. (3) “Unknown object” shall include any foreign object, substance, instrument, or device, or any part of the body, including a penis, when it is not known whether penetration was by a penis or by a foreign object, substance, instrument, or device, or by any other part of the body...":§ionNum=289.#:~:text=(a)%20(1)%20(,prison%20for%20three%2C%20six%2C%20or "Texas Penal Code § 43.21. Definitions":

id: 1323675 - Text: Pimps are sex traffickers ? Bffr🙄
