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id: 1326101 - Text: @Sarona  definitely Saturn energy but also very Plutonic . sex work is an 8th house thing. Pluto, Mars & Saturn dnt fk around . and I bet she has alot of Scorpio placements or 8th house placements.

id: 1326108 - Text:  @Sofie81  Say that to the families who have had son's, brothers, and father's murdered by women. Oh yeah let's not forget about the children who have been abused by women, and that includes sexual abuse to.

id: 1326166 - Text: If the men who fuck you actually treat you nice I don't see the problem with sex work. The most abusive man was the father of my kids and I regret ever meeting the animal. Not all men are garbage, many are willing to enjoy a woman without abusing her.

id: 1326317 - Text:  @_prettybrownbrown7729  there are still sexually transmitted soul ties to deal with.

id: 1326339 - Text: She seems so nurturing, I love these two! They could teach the younger generations so much. Another reason to de-criminalize sex work!

id: 1326358 - Text: Us Gemini's are BAD to the BONE BABY❤♊✌🏾 #CrazySexyCool

id: 1326439 - Text: My main issue that what they do effects the community and brings bad elements. Pimp Good game is doing 14 years in prison for human trafficking, and pimping minors. Pimp Good game's excuse from his lawyer is this is all he knows. I'm very sure Martina pimped a underage minor at one point. Sex trafficking is a really serious thing and it's not the Feminist point of view of selling sex.

id: 1326479 - Text: Everyone judging and complaining.. sex worker are people too. This is hell we’re living and they’re making due with what they got.. we know God don’t EXSIT we do.. just be content with your life and stop with the shaming. Life ain’t fair but we stil gots to live is by any means.☯️🪶⚖️🫀💫

id: 1326543 - Text: He calls her a b*tch, beat her, got paid off of her having sex with strangers.....and this is a love story ⁉️

id: 1326557 - Text: Martina is so gorgeous so I know she was absolutely gorgeous when she was younger. I don’t shame sex work at all and think some pimp/trick relationships can have some beneficial dynamics (though I DO think all pimps are manipulative and possessive) but, this relationship dynamic isn’t healthy at all… and Martina can handle business on her own. I’m sure she’s more of a benefit to him than he is for her.
