58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1328367 - Text: I am supportive of sex workers through and through, but a "pimp" is a trafficker -- i cant believe the comments saying "oh theyre so good together" etc etc, it is TRAFFICKING. PERIOD.

id: 1328374 - Text: Pimp and hoe stories always have a tinge of sadness underneath all the braggadocio. No matter how much they brag, it's sexual exploitation.

id: 1328408 - Text: Revelation 21:8  "But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

id: 1328427 - Text:  @MoneyPlethoraAlways ummm sex workers are still killed even with having a pimp. They don’t sit in the rooms with them. They’re pointless

id: 1328498 - Text: So unfortunate. Watching this and seeing people look at them as a dynamic power couple is sickening. This woman has been groomed into this like all the others before. "He's very romantic. But you gotta give him some money first." Ah yes. Sex trafficking 101

id: 1328518 - Text: Ah I just got to the part where she mentioned the key part of her grooming process into sex trafficking. Her pimp brothers.

id: 1328524 - Text:  @akilahbrooklyn8236  Why do you need a case study to know that you should take what people tell you with a grain of salt? Do you believe everything that you see on TV and social media? My guess is no. Idk how many sex workers participate in case studies. "Believe half of what you see, and some or none of what you hear". That's just common sense. A person that knows they're likely to be judged might make an effort to spin the situation or down play the negatives. Yes women can speak for themselves. But that doesn't mean that everything they say is true. Or that it's not coming from a place emotional or mental damage. Add to that the exposure of social media and the possibility to build a platform or business. These people have been hustling for decades. They know how to work people. Again, believe what you want to.

id: 1328547 - Text: I think probably at least 30% of woman have hoe-ish ways, they just don't stand on the corner in heels. As Martina said, we have bottle service girls, onlyfans girls, oversexed hood chicks w 6 kids, it's all the same.....its all hoeing. Britney renner is a hoe, Kim kardashian is a hoe, same as Martina and the other ladies on this channel. It's just different versions but the hoeing is the same. Pucci goes to the highest bidder. Some girls can command $40 (street walker) some command 200k (sugar babies) some command millions (kim k, Coco, keyshia kaior) buts it's all hoeing.

id: 1328574 - Text: Much Respect to Kenny And Martina! You both look fabulous Kenny 60 and Martina 50 fine ! Soo sexy Martina! And Kenny is hot 🌹🌹🌹🌹And you both are very well spoken and educated! Mark I would love for you to interview both of them several more times they have so many stories that I would like to hear! Thank you Mark for showing the real people of the world! Love your Channel always watching your videos! 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

id: 1328640 - Text: You sick if you think that’s funny, Martina has been broken. She’s been called a bitch with impunity multiple times, this devalues her worth subliminally. Mark is NO BETTER he is programming yall and helping to normalize prostitution when we know this is backwards. Sex is sacred, not something that can be bought. She’s been brainwashed to think this is normal, her ‘pimps’ or handlers are nothing more than clever manipulative leeches that don’t deserve the air they breathe. This is the dirtiest profession, I’d rather you sell crack and heroin than to psychologically own someone else.
