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id: 1328702 - Text: could not convince myself to give this vid a like or dislike as you are doing good work documenting these kinds of realitys .this is such a twisted interview about the normalization of human trafficking. in Canada with the missing an murdered woman's movement pimps are seen an known to be brutal and are considered the scum of the earth for entrapping young girls an adult women alike into the sex trade . but the history of pimpin seems to attempt to glamorize that life which more often than not the lives of the girls do not end well in the hands of abusive pimps and bad johns !. its truly sad how many girls an women get murdered or go missing as a result of this pimpin game this could be a open opportunity for a third interview with these two vets of the streets to discus the dark side of getting into the life an how it could go off the rails in a very real and tragic way . that could act as a warning to young women not get into that lifestyle in the first place .

id: 1328704 - Text: The amount of people in this comment section who are so happy and think that this lady who’s being sex traffic by a guy who is a narcissistm manipulator is a vibe and are rooting for her to keep getting her money, all the kind of people to go to fucking hell. I am blown away at the amount of people that support pimps and sex traders, Who manipulate the young women into getting into the game

id: 1328708 - Text: This thumbnail says everything, "Look at how I physically, psychologically and sexually abused someone with less power and chance at life than me! I'm so proud!" Thank you for doing these interviews. I hope millions watch these to understand how this shit happens and how we can either make sex work safer and less stigmatized or, prevent this form of slavery in the future.

id: 1328713 - Text: I didn't see no abuse in that picture. I think people find love n get love from people in that life because normal society don't, won't love & accept them... maybe never will accept them🤷🏾‍♂️. I know that life very well and seen a lot of happiness in what they do. One thing I can say "is they don't lie to their significant other". They knowingly go into what squares would call an "open relationship". But it's unfortunate for those that do get trafficked and abused in "slave labor" and "sex trafficking"🙏♥️

id: 1328717 - Text: @comments: I have nothing against sex work and certainly not her, but she was socially engineered into a life that doesn't let girls and women out. I think it should be legal so that those who are coerced into it can be less isolated and vulnerable to monsters like pimps. They should be able to be free and not owned, but right now they are. I would love a world where strippers and sex workers were regarded as human beings by their customers and the police and the justice and healthcare system and were not marginalized and shamed but currently they still are and the entertainment industry and the mob are who profit off making slaves out of them. They dont get 401Ks or even healthcare. If I'm a temp and leave a shitty office job, I don't have to worry that even if I move across the country I might get tracked down and killed just because a powerful man decided to buy me for a few hours and now he fears for his reputation so someone will kill me in the off chance that I might tell someone. That's a reality in sex work. Sex workers don't have rights, they cannot lead normal lives. It's a form of slavery and pimps are their slave masters.

id: 1328810 - Text: Just because a woman wanna sell her body and sees it as a treazure and value, that makes it degrading....? We don't force women to sell their body - They chooze too do it. Alotta tha reazon why Pimpz get such a bad rep is because tha media has programmed society to think and make tha Pimp out too be tha bad guy. It's all propaganda. Eye mean, yeah, there are "Bad" Pimpz out there who beat their women and drug them - But What's tha TRUU difference in a woman selling her body vs. a woman going to work everyday and work a 9-5.....? One woman is having sex while another one is selling her time and her labor too customerz in order too make their boss happy and keep their job. All Pimpz aren't bad pimps. Eye treated my women like royalty and love dem hoez. They had bank accountz, their own carz, & their own houses. If they wanted anything, they could get it. Ran a smooth operation.... Alotta these people in tha commentz are just squarez and trolls who shit on Pimps because 95% of em are BLACK/AFRICAN-AMERICAN....! That has allwayz been my perspective. Soooooo much has changed. The feminizm movement/women's empowerment, etc. Etc. Women start too feel as if they should be equal too men and that by them being looked at in other fashion than that, would be considered "Degrading". Just because you're submissive too a Man of whatever, doesn't make you weak or unempowered. But anyways, that's Just my 2 centz.....

id: 1328954 - Text: I’m glad I was raised by my Dad because I would never let a guy call me a bitch or sell sex & give the money to a loser

id: 1328972 - Text:  @hayleipuffington9599  I’d be like well if sex sells go become a gigalo and do your thing then sir you aren’t about to use me or put me in danger

id: 1329010 - Text: Hello sweetness, looking sexxe.

id: 1329013 - Text: That literally doesn't have to do with being raised by a dad....same sex couples exist. It just boils down to good or bad parenting but also the society we live in that is highly hostile towards women.
