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id: 1329014 - Text:  @real8551  that's a great victim blaming comment right there. What the fuck does being pimped out have to do with values. People like you are the reason sex workers have it so hard to get off of the streets.

id: 1329015 - Text:  @ILoveLLawlietxD  you can't say what works for someone's personal experience. Maybe that is what impacted her morals, beliefs and actions. This is the same for having a spiritual connection with the most high. These relationships are beneficial to a lot of us. Why would she mention same sex parents if that's not her experience. Plus everyone's beliefs in that are not the same. If that's what you believe in, cool but that's not everyone's experience and or belief. Respect that as you would want someone to respect yours. We don't have to agree with your family norms, neither do you ours. respect

id: 1329034 - Text: It’s not about having a dad some women who escort on a high level like myself who don’t have to sleep around to be paid (u can do massages , do dinner dates a sexy maid) whatever for a man with a fetish . Stop judging the sex work industry cause u think it’s all about sex and being abused. I may not agree with being with a pimp at all times but honestly girl I learned my worth way more when I stopped going on dinner dates so a man can fck me and then ghost me . A worker always gets tested , dresses nice etc keeps it clean! It’s these ones out here for free people need to worry about although it is some low end prostitution going on but y’all can’t judge all escorting like it’s the worst thing in the world lol.

id: 1329076 - Text:  @msdemeanour  how can you determine what someone’s feeling are when you’re not in their shoes ? Just because she’s a sex worker, doesn’t mean she doesn’t know what respect is or love. You don’t know her whole life and neither do I. Your perspective and yours, not hers. This channel isn’t to make people to be less than and to degrade their emotions or whatever the choices they make, it’s for them to use their voice and share their experiences.

id: 1329078 - Text: ​​ @divinelikewine_  keep your liberal ideology to yourself ..she not a sex workers she a pro...she sells her body to pay a low life pimp.....

id: 1329090 - Text: Revelation 21:8  "But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

id: 1329150 - Text: Am I the only one thinking WTF!!! The love of money is the root of all EVIL! How degrading to sell your body for sex. Pimps are the work of evil! I pity this lady. She was prostituded now she's prostituding other girls. Young ladies are being manipulated, brainwashed, drugged, even beaten and threatened into HUMAN SEX TRAFFICKING. These two make me want to puke. Their sugar coating their actions. I wonder how many women have overdosed even killed. PIMPS AKA HUMAN SEX TRAFFICKERS! Families love your children unconditional, raise them right. Hope these two get ruined over by a train stepping out of the studio!

id: 1329154 - Text: I just watched the interview with Martina from a year ago. It occurred to me that she always has made men pay for her pussy. (Must be very worn out by now) She never had sex for free. But it sounds like she had to pay to get love from Kenny. She had to give him money before she could see his “romantic” side. How ironic is that.

id: 1329326 - Text: If I can look half as sexy as Martina in my 50s - I will die a happy lady! Gorgeous woman!

id: 1329370 - Text: Hoes are w Pimps for companionship for those who can't understand and judging in the comments. They motivate each other in their world. There are Hoes from all walks of life and different backgrounds. All Hoes are NOT having a bad experience in the game. Pimps/Hoes don't fall out over things "common" relationships fall out over, like my husband cheated on me, sex, they aren't each others possessions like "standard" relationships. They have a true understanding and aren't judging each other. Regular people aren't going to be in a relationship w a prostitute or a Pimp. Unconditional love means no judgment. The prostitute doesn't need money from her man obviously. There are prostitutes who like what they do and see what they do as getting paid for their companionship from lonely men. Think about it, anyone can pleasure their self for free in 3 minutes. The sex is the minimal part of the service. That's why the game is to be sold not told.
