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id: 1329383 - Text: What an a hole. Bragging how he used to beat women. Clown behaviour. 911 is what stopped him from continuing that which he explained. And Martina has so much potential but being that she grew up with her brothers who were pimps this is what she ended up doing. Why in the world would anyone have sex with strangers and give all their money to a pimp? These people are entertaining but broken and sad.

id: 1329458 - Text:  @tshilidzitshilidzi2006  That prostitute had sex with thousands of strangers.Looks up to a guy that use to beat her.Never experience real love in her life.That non job having non educated lazy bum, can't stop calling her bitches is her role model.Everytime he calls her a bitch her eye lids was flipping with discuss.This lady is obviously hurting inside but don't know no other way of thinking.She was raised this way by her family.Then got brainwash by a loser that's so lost in this world he thinks he's the perfect man.Nobody and no pimp would want this to happen to their mother or grandma.

id: 1329475 - Text:  @MrsExquisite21  exacty! its truly sad to see the things we come to accept in our community....Its like whats good is bad and whats bad is good...smh

id: 1329487 - Text:  @mrnumba154  I dont think you get the point of the interview... realistically non of them are saying this is positive or negative they are telling their story. people make their own choices the crazy thing is that people from good families and healthy backgrounds have and stil do voluntarily live this life. I respect that their being open and transparent about the truth of how that life was its not pretty but its an honest account of what the life was. In a world where little girls are dressed up like 20 year old street walkers going to school, parents allowing them to walk around looking well beyond their years and over-sexualized , twerking and filming themselves doing filth for tiktok im more worried about girls not hearing the ugly truth about a profession thats more and more glamourized in the music they hear, videos , etc telling them its cool to aspire to be a guzzied up sex doll and aspire to fuck men to make money, being lazzy and having nothing going for yourself is ok as long as you can attract rich men to your body.... shit ill let my daughter hear about how a pimp wooped a bitch ass and she still loved him any day shiiit then we can sit down and talk about how this is similar to people in abusive marriages and relationships friendships etc. people think all women in this profession are forced.. many are but especially now women dont even have pimps they pimp themselves look at only fans lol damn even face book where yoou see booty and ass for free just for attention and expect girls not to be affected at a young age which leads to them being open to that life or stripping or just promiscuity in general thats where we are really lost at as a people

id: 1329519 - Text: But they both consent tho…. If this what makes them happy then why should it be a problem sex work is REAL and no one should be shamed for their own decisions and free will no one is making these people do this …

id: 1329586 - Text: Dumbest shit ever and all of you cheering these two on in their behavior. What it all comes down to is that he manipulates her to the point she thinks she likes this shit and that's what pimps do. He straight up disrespects her verbally and I'm sure physically and is proud of it and thinks it's bad when others like the police call him out on it. You people are fucking retarded for encouraging these two to do what they do, you basically support sex trafficking.

id: 1329675 - Text: Kenny Red is one sexy man! Ism!!

id: 1329680 - Text: Beside being a sex worker and a pimp. They are both good people who just see life differently. They are the real real .

id: 1329851 - Text: Revelation 21:8  "But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

id: 1330016 - Text:  @sexysenior8934  not a bombshell just some gun powder This shitt is laughable. Nobody wants her old wrinkle assss looking like an old black mortisha from the Adams family Bitchhhh say she ain't got no wrinkles. She got a magic mirror like snow white
