58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1330118 - Text: Sexy dirty voice!!🤯

id: 1330286 - Text:  @maliceintended  idk what world your living in this isn't happiness.Sex is a gift from god Jesus said in John 8:34 ESV Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin.Theres no glitz and glamour of prostituion or pimping.Its a form of brainwashing technique they use on people who don't have anything.This is something to be judged upon because this type of living shouldn't`t be glorified or should be pushed for being the new norm!!.My world is not disgusting this is a choice yeah but there are better options we have to making money this is the lazy way!!!.I been homelesss in and out my whole teens and I worked my ass off to become where I am today.Lets not give pity or excuses for this type of action to make money or to survive its irresponsible for future generations!

id: 1330388 - Text: Right, let me take a deep breath and try get what I’m saying across succinctly - I am a strong woman, single parent to a now strong 18 year old daughter. Not a raging feminist but definitely do not see women as the weaker sex. Having watched a fair few of these pimps and their ladies I have to say that I DO now get why these ladies have pimps, it’s a very complicated mindset that ‘we’ find very hard to understand. Don’t get me wrong I do not condone the gorilla pimp who take take takes, gives little to nothing back and treats them like shite, however the pimp that does sort their lives and their bills and their future AND treats them well I am coming round to understand. As I said it’s all a world away from us, (believe they call us ‘squares’ ?) and that includes their everyday language ie bitches etc, so really difficult to fully ‘get’. I remember watching one video where the lady said “if I HAD to deal with my money myself I would have nothing. No accommodation, no bills paid, nothing. And she was being genuine, it wasn’t a ‘speech’ for his behalf and that’s when I started to see it all a little differently.

id: 1330417 - Text: Mixed feelings about them- not a fan of sex trafficking, but apparently she is cool with it.

id: 1330479 - Text: Why do u interview these scumbag pimps,these dickheads molest children,beat women ,force children into the sex trade and u dems think they are cool they need to be put down .

id: 1330590 - Text:  @johntrotter1766  It's obvious Kenny Red is (or was) a pimp and Martina is a former prostitute. Before Kenny Red went to Federal, he had to admit to crimes that a sex positive Feminist group wouldn't justify. I think Kenny Red did more damage to the community and Martina says "Squares don't understand the lifestyle". Mark was extorted by a prostitute because he wouldn't pay for her pimp's bail to show you there is nothing positive about that lifestyle. The blue collar man (that owns a home on S Figueroa) wakes up at 4 AM to go to work on construction and landscaping gigs has more value than Martina because law enforcement is working in his favor to make sure his community is safe from Vices which always had mixed results.

id: 1330661 - Text: People actually pY this woman for sex 🙀🤷‍♂️.... WHY ?

id: 1330695 - Text: Pimping started as a form of protection for prostitutes. Imagine how many women were raped, kidnapped, or killed because they had no type of security or protection. Prostitution has always been a common practice for woman who couldn't do anything else or had a husband to take care of them, especially before women were able to work, and there's always gonna be men willing to pay for sex and discretion, especially married men who are in sexless marriages which is more common than not. Pimping isn't really about treating women like shit so they obey you, it's about guidance and protection. Sex work in America is a billion dollar industry just like drugs except people have more sympathy for sex workers then drug dealers or users

id: 1330698 - Text: How do you feel about whores, do you believe they need companionship as well? Most average men only see whores as sex objects while the Pimps respect his whores as women.

id: 1330731 - Text:  @godislove4604  lol, my pimp no he wouldn’t be in that example , he would be the trick! Men spend their money on us in hopes of having sex period, and sure they may also like us and want to make us happy in doing so HOWEVER sex is definitely in the background of men spending money on us. And us as women 1000% know this as well.
