58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1330732 - Text:  @kellyedavis7785  no i just think you’ve been in too many toxic relationships where the only common denominator y’all had was sex. i’m sorry if you’ve never had a man in your life and just customers but don’t shame women who fuck their man and solely them, not for an exchange in gifts but just to have a connection, hopefully one day you’ll reach tht level of love, not money.

id: 1330734 - Text: Oh stop it. I’ll judge a sex trafficker and women beater all I want.

id: 1330739 - Text: It's not degrading - Just because a woman wanna sell her body and sees it as a treazure and value, that makes it degrading....? We don't force women to sell their body - They chooze too do it. Alotta tha reazon why Pimpz get such a bad rep is because tha media has programmed society to think and make tha Pimp out too be tha bad guy. It's all propaganda. Eye mean, yeah, there are "Bad" Pimpz out there who beat their women and drug them - But What's tha TRUU difference in a woman selling her body vs. a woman going to work everyday and work a 9-5.....? One woman is having sex while another one is selling her time and her labor too customerz in order too make their boss happy and keep their job. All Pimpz aren't bad pimps. Back when eye was in that life, eye treated my women like royalty and love dem hoez. They had bank accountz, their own carz, & their own houses. If they wanted anything, they could get it. Ran a smooth operation.... Alotta these people in tha commentz are just squarez and trolls who shit on Pimps because 95% of em are BLACK/AFRICAN-AMERICAN....! That has allwayz been my perspective. Soooooo much has changed. The feminizm movement/women's empowerment, etc. Etc. Women start too feel as if they should be equal too men and that by them being looked at in other fashion than that, would be considered "Degrading". Just because you're submissive too a Man of whatever, doesn't make you weak or unempowered. But anyways, that's Just my 2 centz.....

id: 1330746 - Text:  @user-od4zo1ow6d  A Pimp & a Sex Trafficker are two different thingz.....

id: 1330752 - Text: i mean i look at it like this if u have a woman that really loves to have sex she ends up being with a pimp making a profit off what she loves to do i personally dont have a problem with that type of pimping but the forceful pimping is not ok

id: 1330761 - Text:  @ladarrenlamontperdue778  But tha thing iz, society will overlook Kenny Red & Martina and still find something too condemn then for and throw dey stonez at. Not every Pimp is a bad person. They just happen to understand and involve their self with a woman who is looked at as scandalous and not worthy of any attention. If you took sex out of it and tha fact that a MAN is running tha operation and is in charge, eye get you 10 wet nickelz people wouldn't be shittin on Pimpz as much as they do. It's also because about 85-90% of dem are BLACK.... Alotta hate towards tha lifestyle are from tha media and had been programmed in too alotta people sad too say. Smh

id: 1330762 - Text:  @_thaplayerofallnationz_  I agree because if you look at the other side of this there have been caucasians that have forced children and I do mean forced because a child is not legally able to consent to and sexual or otherwise act into all kinds of foul situations look at Jeffrey Epstein who used children as products of leisure for the Elites society for years and amassed a billion dollar business and lifestyle his way was the most disgusting sickening foulest way anything could be done but yet he was looked at as a pioneer a respect business mogel that rubbed elbows with some of the most wealthiest famous people in the world he used children not grown women but children and he was respected but a man working with a woman already doing what she doing but managing her and making sure there’s is money for the rent food or whatever your nothing the lie of the lie worst of the worst garbage there is really something wrong with this world people need to wake up and realize what’s really going on this world and get it together

id: 1330774 - Text: babe. she is a VOLUNTEER. she been hoin sense the 80s. sense biz markie made the vapors. she loves to be a hoe. she don't look like some faded away junkie. most women want to hoes. but she wanted to be a paid hoe. not a just viewed one. most chick want to be pimp. liked being told what to do. all this is by choice. its a choice to do porn for living, stripper, create a onlyfans. show up to do a nude photoshoot. same sex relationship.

id: 1330789 - Text:  @feleciajohnson8467  Noooooo, we don't glorify anything. We just don't completely demonize it. How can you hate on someone who's trying to make a living for themselves.....? I'd rather have a woman stripping on a pole (Which eye have in the past) and deal with that woman or women, than be out robbing, killing, & selling drugz to people. Y'all look at Pimping & Going with a one sided view and perspective and y'all run for tha hillz. Y'all get y'all views from tha media and fall for tha propaganda that they spew out, and it's really sad. If you take sex outta tha relationship that a Pimp and Ho have & tha fact that 85-90% of Pimps are BLACK FOUNDATIONAL AMERICANZ, then would you still find an issue with it...? Inquiring minds want too know.....

id: 1330814 - Text:  @jamiehaprer9991  is it not degrading or using your body in a sexual way for profit?
