58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1331030 - Text: NO Clowns jokes Whoredom Drunks Druggie Homosexual liars thieves Games Will Out DO Real Intelligent KNOWLEDGEABLE faithful righteous Women & Men Very FEW OF Them👉

id: 1331036 - Text: This IS Why God Judgement is Needed And Happening Now To The Wicked cause they have Mislead the Children into Whoredom Homosexual Abortionist Gays Same-sex Prostitues Adultery fornicaters druggies fornicaters Antichrists Sodomites Betrayals disgrace wickedness Genesis 19:24-25

id: 1331042 - Text: YOU Got Disrespect females men's cursing calling low self esteem Females dispear for Sex drugs acholic Homosexual Abortionist wicked boosting they heads it's Sad that ant Money👉That's Filthy devil sin DISGRACE to HUMAN RACE Abomination AGAINST GOD st John 1:1-12

id: 1331046 - Text: LOVE is NOT SEX DRUGS ACHOLIC Homosexual Abortionist Gays Prostitues Adultery fornicaters Whoredom period it's Deadly Devil lust FILTHY Aid Sin Sodomites monkey pox DISGRACE Genesis 19:24-25 Deuteronomy 9:1-9

id: 1331069 - Text:  @msladebeatz  I don’t have an opinion either way. Perhaps I’m confusing sex work with sex trafficking. I’ll admit I don’t know much about the game but the pimps out there who keep women on drugs and abuse women are the ones we’re presented with. It’s a stereotype.

id: 1331091 - Text: Having sex for free is more degrading than getting paid for it or something out of it.

id: 1331109 - Text:  @kellyedavis7785 Exactly.....the world is ran by pussy and money! Either way you put it any type of relationship involves POWER exchange! Some women just don’t understand their power of the pussy and the power of the brains. Combine both at the same time and you will hit the JACKPOT!!!! Plus, in this world women are twice as likely to be shamed for doing the same thing that men do! Especially when she’s getting paid!!!! Bc what’s the difference between a man (your man, husband, fuck boys, etc) who has multiple sexcapades yet doesn’t get paid and a female escort/prostitute who gets paid? They’re both HOES but one just gets paid! Seems like we live in a double standard society in which MEN hate on women who know how to work what God has gave them, PUSSY POWER!

id: 1331172 - Text: Revelation 21:8  "But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

id: 1331222 - Text:  @miapdx503  I think some of your statements deflects why pimping and prostitution isn't good for the overall community. Kenny Red and Martina talk about the 70's in the blaxploitation realm where pimping was glorified in films because the bad guy (pimp) had jewelry, Cadillacs, drugs, women, fur coats, etc. That's the hard sell. Now let's get back to deflecting. You excuse their evils talking about pimping and prostitution is everywhere in the world. Pimping and prostitution is a bigger issue in the Black and inner city community because the realm of pimping Martina and Pimp Red claims is the Golden Age and when we saw the decline of the Black family structure. Not once, Martina talked about her father in the interviews and if her parents were married. It was about how to be a criminal bringing money to her pimp, how to setup other avenues bringing money to her pimp, it became obvious when BlackLivesMatter wanted to decriminalize prostitution because how it effects women of color shows you a strong deflection of the evils of pimping. SB 157 in California will decriminalize MOST prostitution by making it illegal for police to detain a woman, Pimp, or John for loitering in an area for the intent that buy/sell/pander sex.

id: 1331232 - Text:  @kw2519  I don't think it's exploitation...she chooses to be with, and do what he says. He's not holding her at gun point to have sex for money,right? Right. I's her choice
