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id: 1331325 - Text: So let me get this straight.This person(won't call him a man) supports himself by the money a women makes by selling sex....I have no problem with prostitution...But lets get something straight...this is not a real man...P.S Get a job Kenny!!

id: 1331338 - Text:  @wesleyalan9179  how is it weird to condemn sexual exploitation????

id: 1331340 - Text:  @camm.8241  Sexual exploitation or prostitution? It's not weird to condemn sexual exploitation. The two are different.

id: 1331342 - Text:  @camm.8241  I understand you. Let me make myself clear though. I look at Sexual exploitation as someone being held against their will, and prostitution as a choice (now maybe at one point its all the choice they had, who knows?) But it's still a choice they were willing to make. Now, Sexual exploitation is terribly wrong, but prostitution isn't as wrong because it's their choice, so why should I condem or judge them in any insulting way? I shouldnt.) It's just like drugs or religion too, it's their choice to use or worship..why should I judge them in any insulting way? I shouldn't.) ...mind you that I use to bash them, but I don't anymore because I've learned not to, it's wrong to. Ok, I just explained my original comment to you 😁👍 Whether you agree or disagree with me is fine, it's your choice to and I won't argue or bash you for it..for I'm trying to teach myself not to these days. Peace be with you💜

id: 1331482 - Text: Wait until you find out about sex trafficking

id: 1331491 - Text:  @sciencenotstigma9534  Theres nothing real about people in crime and nothing real about oppression of women. These men will kill a woman for speaking out of line, Theres no such thing as "real" criminals, most of them will stab you in the back and snitch you out as soon as they're looking at jail time. Most of them will snitch on their own mommas to stay out of jail. It sounds like you're still under the spell of slavery and oppression. This is what criminals and bad people do, they pretend to care, they tell you what you want to hear, they tell you lies, to make you dependent on them, and throw away your life. These men are very dangerous, one pimp could be responsible for destroying thousands of womens lives, they beat and rape women and under-age girls. Most sex workers will end up with STDS, AIDS, drug addictions and other chronic illnesses. Many will die in the game. I really hope you free yourself from oppression and slavery, before its too late, Even if you want to stay in sex work, there are many options available online that dont involve a pimp, or being forced to sleep with grubby street men who havent showered in 3 weeks, and their balls smell like 3 week old tuna pat'e from the bottom of a dumpster.. Please wake up to yourself.

id: 1331505 - Text: Pimping always gon be here they was limping in the Bible 🤣 sex just will always sell and wherever there is a hoe there is a pimp.

id: 1331509 - Text:  @sjm98126  clearly you've never struggled to eat. Women sell their bodies bc men will forever pay for sex... arrent the Johns.Arrest the pimps. Women are just trying to make a living...esp if they have children. ..mothers will do whT they have to do to provide.

id: 1331512 - Text: Pedophiles/sexual abuse still exist & we know of, but ppl still suffer from it. Why?

id: 1331513 - Text: Maybe if we legalized sex work and actually made advancements in keeping people safe doing the work then pimps would be obsolete. But we're damned if we took the oldest profession seriously 🤷
