58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1332436 - Text: 911nomad yea I wouldn’t be willing to go that high. Maybe a couple hundred, not much more. It isn’t like women aren’t looking for sex just like men, paying for it doesn’t seem reasonable to me..

id: 1332594 - Text: That’s what I’m saying. I’m like how is a girl who is a prostitute a business woman. If she was so smart she would get the hell up from that lifestyle. That shit is not a flex. Like wth. I see this where I am now and I’m like…..having illicit sex with men and selling your body makes you smart??? Huh???

id: 1332597 - Text: STOP THIS BULL SHIT Mary Magdalene WAS NOT A prostitute. Gutter stinks, IT IS NOT GUTTERS PROBLEM, but it stinks. However in our case it is our choice, remember my body my choice. East money flow can never be ruled out, world oldest profession for a reason. NO INVESTMENT ONLY OUTCOME. Easy life, easy money AND easy damaged goods. SOMEHOW, how come prostitutes, sex workers, escorts, drud addicts, criminals, pornstars, onlyfans celebs, murderers, serial killers, psychopaths etc have same story. PS u how how difficult is it for outlaw psycho killer to kill.

id: 1332688 - Text:  @SmallWinch  Not being a sex worker

id: 1332705 - Text: 16:07 it's an individual choice she made her opinion. It's a choice to sexualize yourself and no one forced you. I think she's a very pretty lady. I'm sure whatever her path she will choose her own fate, she's old enough to see what she wants. A relationship with God is however you choose it to be, but you define your lifestyle. There are a lot of dangers in prostitution and there is a very huge price to pay if you run into danger. You can't control what people can ultimately do if you are raped. It's something prostitutes face and many have openly admitted this is a high risk job. All the best to this girl and there is money in occupations where you don't sexualize yourself. Again you decide where you'll wind up. You can do that forever. Your kid will have to deal with you being a whore. Facts are what they are, you are what you do.

id: 1332816 - Text: Did this young just sit 😳 up here & lead off convertion that Jesus was a pimp and justified her own actions like its ok to sell your body like it some meat. Selling your body to make ends meet is never ok it wasn't ok in slavery when we on the plantation sex farms and it is not ok now.

id: 1332958 - Text: Trophy, you got the whole Jesus situation wrong. Mary Magdalene was forgiven of her sin. She followed Jesus and No Longer Sinned. Read your Bible. It was customary for woman to follow behind the men to feed and take care of them. As far as I know, sex was not involved. You need to research customs of that time in history. Please don't talk about what you have no proof of.

id: 1333128 - Text: There is new evidence that Mary Magdalene was most likely NOT a whore or prostitute. What we do know is that she was from a fishing family who lived in a fishing village. One thing for sure, Jesus could not have been a hypocrite and also a deity at the same time...this just would not work with believers. The bible is clear about no sex outside of the bonds of marriage so it would be insane for God to send a son who contradicted biblical precepts.

id: 1333154 - Text: When you asked her about karma you sounded angry with her, or maybe annoyed. Men go looking for her and girls like her every day, I don't believe the "karma" is hers. If men were all wholesome and only wanted a girl to wash the dishes, car, laundry, etc.,for $600 an hour then these girls wouldn't be sex workers. I knew very little about what my parents did for work, so I don't think it has to be a huge issue with her kid either. She makes enough money to support him and she doesn't act like a crack ho. What is really a shame is that only sex work pays a decent wage.

id: 1333171 - Text: Sexual abuse from cousins is still incest and abuse 😔 it might be normalized in some families but it’s still sexual abuse and trauma 😔
