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id: 1334941 - Text: Wow! Sexy and fun. Beautiful girl and body ❤

id: 1334942 - Text: Why pay for sex ? Not me f:: k that

id: 1334958 - Text: That is so sad, sex workers should be treated with more respect, they provide a great service

id: 1334970 - Text: YOU ARE SUCH A LIAR. THAT IS A LIE ABOUT THE HOUSE MINIMUM AND IF THEY ASK FOR IT THE GIRL HAS TO GIVE IT TO THEM. THE GIRL CAN REFUSE ANYTHING OR ANYONE. For example if a guy comes in with a $100 most girls would tell them they aren’t getting any sex for that, lucky if you get a 4 minute hand job. Idk who this woman is but she has twisted a lot of things around. Basically the first $500 you book covers your doctor and rent. If you book over a certain amount in a day approximately $1000 plus you won’t get charged rent for that day. If you walk away from this text with one thing please remember this: NEVADA BROTHEL WORKERS ARE NEVER FORCED TO DO ANYTHING THEY DO NOT WANT TO. They can turn down anything they want.#beentheredonethat

id: 1334973 - Text: I need any need sex long time hello

id: 1334979 - Text: Ur sexy

id: 1334988 - Text: Excellent points. That's really nasty practices if they use/used them. That's why I never was an aficionado of brothels. They also rip off clients just as well. And those room negotiations are heinous, especially when they record them by hiding equipment in the room. Also, just saw a video where a girl says you should expect to pay around like between a down payment on a car and a house. Is that a good promotion for the "ranch"? I'd say, after making such exorbitant claims, many customers would not even want to go there at all, as it looks like a scam and nothing more. It's more like anti-advertising in my opinion. Why should I pay more than one grand? Am I gonna have sex with the queen of seven kingdoms for crying out loud?! Usual rates I see on Nevada portals are 100-400 bucks per hour, although these rates don't give you the specifics, they do provide ballpark figures and more or less similar rates (they are definitely NOT like down payments on real estates) should be expected on those "ranches".

id: 1335003 - Text: So would all those legal sex workers.

id: 1335010 - Text: The other thing is nevada law states its up the sex worker to accept or decline any offer. So this whole video is misleading on information.. look up nevada brothel laws. Ive never been told to do anything i dont want to do or made to. I find this disturbing .

id: 1335014 - Text: Nevada is terrible , this is not sex industry, it’s sex slavery.
