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id: 1335158 - Text: Good Saturday evening to you. I have a book packed away, the subject of which is Nevada Brothels and the women who work there. As I recall, there are women, (Wives, Mothers, and Students), who commute on weekends to work in the Brothels. However, for better or worse, (their compensation or working conditions), this is what they do. Plus, as I recall, they can earn several thousands of dollars during a good weekend. That said, I approve of the profession — and of you being a sterling advocate for it. I hope that Sex Workers will assume a loftier place in our society. Perhaps this may sound too open-minded, but, if young men should serve some time in the military, then certainly all women should serve some time as Sex Workers. I believe our culture is changing to that, and other, ends. Merely observe what is transpiring in our public schools, for example. I bid you peace.

id: 1335166 - Text: Lon Spector, quite the contrary. If I am going to espouse a particular opinion, it would be hypocritical of me not to be all inclusive in such a case. As a matter of fact, in a not yet published poem of mine entitled, “IMMORTALIZE YOURSELF, MS. DOE”, or (subtitled), “Why do females pose naked”, I conclude with the following quatrain: Your greatest worth, your value, commences between your legs, And your other two companions will not be left as dregs. So as a man I must be fair and equal, in the lust that all men possess. Then my Mother, Sisters, Wife, and Daughters should offer nothing less. Let me go on to ask this — are not most sex workers female? Are they not someone’s daughter, or mother? Does anyone think that their mother, or grandmother never had sex? — Or did ‘whatever’, that family members don’t know about? Maybe someone you know, a family member, satisfies themselves in the boundaries of their own sexual lust. Does this happen? Yes, it does. This is the real world. So, whether rightly or wrongly, this goes on . . . it started long before us . . . and will be continuing long after we are gone. Finally, in that same poem, I mention Linda Lovelace and Marilyn Chambers. They are both dead. Yet, men can still lust after them, watching their performances or looking at their pictures. I think I have proved my point. Best regards. John

id: 1335167 - Text: Lon Spector, did I say, in any of my diatribe, that anything should be forced? Some men aren’t fit to be soldiers. (I speak from experience). In like manner, there are, no doubt, females who could never be sex workers. So far as ‘forced’ is concerned, that constitutes a big “No-No”! Without being an advocate for it, let me be more clear on where, I think, our society is heading. Remember, we have, 1. Abortion on demand — extending to school girls, in some jurisdictions, without parental consent. 2. Condoms available to children in school. 3. Sex education in school, whose stated purpose is to allow the student to give “informed consent”. At what age is the sex education completed? Now, on to broader issues. Can we agree that consensual sex is a right under our Constitution? If it is, and a liberal court rules in the affirmative, then what, legally, (as opposed to morally), will hinder adult-parent/adult-child incest? At the very least, it will be decriminalized. Now, there has been raised by the Left the proposal that 16 year olds be given the right to vote? What other ‘Legal Rights’ will be granted them, over time, should this come to pass, especially if they have completed their sex education by the age of 16? Again, I am not advocating this. I am merely stating that it could happen — and events are trending in that direction — whether we like it or not. Finally, I heard a Bible preacher of international renown say on one of his taped broadcasts (he died in the 1980s, as I recall): “One day, there will be sex labs in our public schools.” A pleasant day to you.

id: 1335172 - Text: You always are eager to ask them why they don’t date Black tricks? You really didn’t expect the truthful answer that you heard from some. Hispanic and white boys sex don’t put a toll on their female parts like a Black man. They can handle 10-20 Hispanic or white guys with no problem. However, that BBC stroking limits the action she can withstand in a day.

id: 1335267 - Text: I had a bad crystal meth addiction when my daughter was 1. I’ve been stripping for 25 years. I’m so fucking grateful that I got clean early in. I love my work. It helped me raised my daughter independently. I relate to what she said about having physical boundaries sexually to differentiate business from pleasure even just during lap dances. My heart aches for her. I never experienced any abuse. I feel so lucky. Hugs Barbie

id: 1335566 - Text: she has such an undefinable sexual attraction to her i mean.... she is very sexy

id: 1335746 - Text: If nobody else tells you I love you. There, I said it. I don't need anything for it. Just for you to know somebody does. I have bipolar as well and you can feel down. So down that you think you will never come out of it. You will. It's possible. I thought I heard you say you were 37? If so we're the same age and you know better than that. You know that the only reason they make fun of you is because they don't look like you. Your look is desirable. Men (like myself) love your body type. Something sexy about a woman you can pick up. I know it's hard to only listen to the love, but the love will keep you alive.

id: 1335870 - Text: Many dermatologists are working with non profit organizations against sex trafficking and removing tattoos pro Bono to give women their lives back. Barbie pointed out her pimp branding her. This is now far too common. Refinery 29 can help guide those interested in such services. Take care out there.

id: 1336010 - Text: Please some of this prostitutid are drug addicts are willing to stop so what are you doing to help them out? And some of them too are into this Anal sex

id: 1336043 - Text: The worth and dignity of a soul is measured by what it delights in! And delight/happiness is our highest desire. Men have killed to have it. Kings have gone mad trying to find it. Wars have served it. Affairs have worshiped it. We all seek it. Sadly, billions have died without discovering its secret... namely, that joy is not an it, but a He. The Gospel is the good news that sinners can delight in a Holy God. It's the good news that all of our deepest desires are satisfied in the ONE who sent His Son to bring us to Him. . God is so valuable and so satisfying that the most loving thing he could do for us is to make Himself gloriously indispensable. He is the only being in the universe for whom self-exaltation is the highest virtue. Therefore, God's commitment to be glorified and our goal to be satisfied are not at odds but come to simultaneous consummation in the worship of His Son... who took upon Himself the Wrath that God had towards us in our sinful disregard of Him. A wrath that could never be appeased through man-made religion. Jesus didn't die to turn the world into a paradise, he died so that we could stop seeking paradise in the world... Temporal things such as beauty, popularity, money, sex, racial identity, gender reassignment... can never truly satisfy. BECAUSE WE WERE MADE FOR SO MUCH MORE! We were made to gaze intently into the Eternal Beauty of a majestic King, Father, and God... meet Jesus the Christ. Life is hard, God is good, Glory is coming 😊... Thanks for taking the time to read this comment. May God bless you with all things necessary for life and goodness. God Bless!
