58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1336120 - Text: It's so sad she doesn't even realise she was a victim of sex trafficking.

id: 1336160 - Text: So sad. I had a neighbor a year and a half ago who was also a middle-aged prostitute with poor education. I tried to show her love, but she didn't know what love is, just thought that sex was the only way to express love. She wasn't loved growing up, prostituted by her own damn mother for crack when she was 12 and raped by her damn father as well. Then used by men all her adult life, thrown away like a used condom. She has three kids by different men and doesn't talk with any of them, which breaks my heart - you've only got one mother in this world, the woman who gave birth to you, and because she wasn't shown love as a kid, she doesnt show love to her own kids. I feel bad for her and her kids. Heart goes out to Barbie.

id: 1336262 - Text: Indeed... The worth and dignity of a soul is measured by what it delights in! And delight/happiness is our highest desire. Men have killed to have it. Kings have gone mad trying to find it. Wars have served it. Affairs have worshiped it. We all seek it. Sadly, billions have died without discovering its secret... namely, that joy is not an it, but a He. The Gospel is the good news that sinners can delight in a Holy God. It's the good news that all of our deepest desires are satisfied in the ONE who sent His Son to bring us to Him. . God is so valuable and so satisfying that the most loving thing he could do for us is to make Himself gloriously indispensable. He is the only being in the universe for whom self-exaltation is the highest virtue. Therefore, God's commitment to be glorified and our goal to be satisfied are not at odds but come to simultaneous consummation in the worship of His Son... who took upon Himself the Wrath that God had towards us in our sinful disregard of Him. A wrath that could never be appeased through man-made religion. Jesus didn't die to turn the world into a paradise, he died so that we could stop seeking paradise in the world... Temporal things such as beauty, popularity, money, sex, racial identity, gender reassignment... can never truly satisfy. BECAUSE WE WERE MADE FOR SO MUCH MORE! We were made to gaze intently into the Eternal Beauty of a majestic King, Father, and God... meet Jesus the Christ. Life is hard, God is good, Glory is coming 😊... Thanks for taking the time to read this comment. May God bless you with all things necessary for life and goodness. God Bless!

id: 1336371 - Text: Having sexual dreams about ones parents is usually about wanting love or for them to save you, not really sexual at all. Like many dreams, things get crossed in the brain while in REM sleep and aren't as literal as they present in the dream.

id: 1336390 - Text: not true you dream sexual abuse too.

id: 1336391 - Text: That CAN be an interpretation of sexual dreams about ones parents, but it can also be long suppressed memories coming to the surface.

id: 1336399 - Text:  @emm2937  were your parents drug addicts, were you sexually abused and molested your whole life? If so, good for you for having a healthy mindset after all that child abuse. Most that suffer from these traumas are in a different place mentally.

id: 1336473 - Text:  @jaidasimone_  Who is taking about the way she looks? I'm talking about how African American women, often working in the sex industry but not exclusively, make up foreign identities to appeal men. Don't know what you're talking about or who that person you mentioned is.

id: 1336476 - Text:  @hereisayana8207  her mother is not Korean. Nor do Koreans recognize her as one of them because her mother was a black woman from the south. Black women and the sex industry often hold themselves out as mix to appeal to their clientele. They often have to let it be known they do not rock with black men if they want to appeal to that certain segment of clientele.

id: 1336536 - Text: Right? On other channels people say, “S/he uses drugs and lives on the street because s/he likes it that way. She said she had a good childhood.”’ And I always say, “You should watch Soft White Underbelly!” I think people can choose the sex industry as an economic choice but I don’t believe you choose to be addicted or a crack Ho, period. Nobody wants to be an addict when they grow up, and spend all their money on drugs just to feel normal. (That’s who people are always saying “choose” that). People will believe anything if it lets them off the hook to do something about it!
