58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1336906 - Text: He did more to uplift the queer community, body positivity and sex work in one interview than thousands of woke activists for years

id: 1336941 - Text: Extremly sexy

id: 1336946 - Text: Sounds like he was sex trafficked and doesn't even know it.

id: 1336972 - Text: Golden ratio my azz. I don't see hiw anyone would find him attractive, much less pay him for sex. If he offered to pay me I'd still say no. That's just awful and whyyy? It sounds like he had a great home life as a child. So sad.

id: 1336980 - Text: You are really sexy because of your mind. I'm a straight female . Lol

id: 1336993 - Text: Wait, No abuse of any kind as a child but started doing what he does at 16? Sex trafficking yourself at 16 is Not normal in any way. He will never know what real Love is like. Sad.

id: 1336998 - Text: His parents wanted to send him to conversion therapy, but are now ok, even supportive of his sex work? Uhm. Then he mentions he still lives at home and pays the rent and grocery bills. So, they're happy to sit back and watch their young adult child prostitute themself. k Good to see good "Christian values" can always be trumped by money.

id: 1337015 - Text: I imagine this is what the devil actually looks like and he's made all his little goats deform themselves into his twisted demonic image against masculinity. Flamboyant, feminine, over sexualized, against nature in every way.......

id: 1337037 - Text: I don’t know any 16 year olds who wake up and say they want to be sex workers unless they were introduced to something they shouldn’t have or something was done.

id: 1337085 - Text: The common denominator in 99.9% of SWU's videos is and always will be: childhood sexual abuse. Old, young, black, white, gay, straight, trans, rich, poor, addicts, strippers, escorts, johns, all the folks on Skid Row... they were ALL abused as children. I don't even need to hear Mateo's story, one look at the way he dresses, talks, looks and acts immediately tells me he was victimized in some way as a child. And then the most bizarre thing is we all cheer him on in the comments. I realize we don't want to be rude. He truly seems like a very nice young man. But comments here like "wishing him the best of luck!" - best of luck sleeping with men who are most likely sexual abusers? Best of luck having one night stands with men that will never love him? Best of luck by contributing to his obvious body dysmorphia? I just don't understand modern culture and how we just constantly have to affirm everything with zero criticism. Like the videos of "Rebecca" - all these folks in the comments calling him she/her "I absolutely love HER!" - you are only making his mental illness worse. Sorry, end of rant. I do appreciate SWU's channel and his interviews, I've watched hundreds of them. I have a different outlook on homelessness because of Mark, so I wish him no disrespect here. His videos alone are the reason I will not send my son to preschool and will never allow him to have sleepovers, because I see what SA can do to a child. I just cannot seem to understand the human mind anymore. I'm so glad I'm an introvert and homebody.
