58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1337944 - Text: I appreciate what Mateo, is saying that a child should be happy their parents love them where their at however he tries to help them to see where’s he’s at & he hasn’t made the best choice’s & to learn from him. I also appreciate him saying don’t shove it down people throat!! We can agree to disagree! They don’t need to have it in movies or programs regarding homosexuality! I personally don’t watch show or movies that have all that homosexuality in it! I say what Mateo, is going through is between God & himself. God can only judge him. However, it’s hard for society not to judge him. He know the right word’s to say. I know there are some deep wound’s in him. Mateo tries to make you think otherwise. He plays it off well. I see the heart of this young man. He will have to pay for his own consequences for his own choices/decision’s. As we all have made bad choices/decisions & we pay the consequences. You have to know your decision’s are either a blessing or a curse.

id: 1338040 - Text: He's a walking sexual fetish. He must be in absolute pain everyday. There is nothing good about this

id: 1338068 - Text: NO guy in their right mind would even have sex with it for free….yuk!

id: 1338087 - Text: Smart? He's only talking about superficial nonsense and sex. There's nothing philosophical or deep about this person at all

id: 1338144 - Text: It bothers me when he says people judge him all the time and are narrow minded, over and over. All i took from it was everyone can f off if they don't like, accept him for who he is. But who is he? all he talked about was sex, making money, being self sufficient and how everyone else is not evolved yet to understand him. Judging everyone because he thinks everyone is judging him!! Please, most people feel compassion/curiosity/openess for someone who is so self absorbed to the point they have ribs removed. Hmmmmm. We really need to get back to true purpose in life which is loving, helping and serving one another not SELF. Self love to the point of being able to truly love and accept other people. Not self love because i am the best! Self love so we can buy mansions from only fans....self love so we can push everyone away who doesn't understand us. I'm not judging you Mateo im genuinely concerned how unaware you of what truth and what your purpose is. On your death bed i fear you will have many regrets of how you spent your time and money. I hope im wrong x

id: 1338156 - Text: Sex clown🤡

id: 1338157 - Text: oh wow, he got sex trafficked at 16 😢 he’s lucky it worked out well for him in the end.

id: 1338205 - Text: ​ @aBitTedious That is absolutely nothing to do with this interview. People come on here to share their sexual experiences. Can't get mad when people have comments about it. Keep your business to yourself, and no one will know anything. Y'all going to make any sense to me.

id: 1338242 - Text: My daughter's friends are a couple who are gay and from Mexico. Every time they go back home to Mexico, they risk their lives. They have to portray masculinity and are not homosexual to their families and surrounding population. Mexico is not the U.S.

id: 1338274 - Text: Oh man, he made himself into a sexualized object, but for a very tiny fraction of people that may be actually attracted - beyond novelty 😢. I feel sorrow for him to think of the aging process and the future, but truly do hope he is safe and happy.
