58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1338296 - Text: He seems super chill, and even tho I wouldnt personally choose the look as extreme as his (especially the lips), my main concern is his safety, in this world he could easily get attacked by people hating on him or sexual predators. I hope he stays safe and I am happy fhat he has good loving parents. Also, from an aestetic perspective, he looks great, the only thing that is too much (personally for me) is the lips, everything else is very well done actually.

id: 1338329 - Text: This person is one contradiction after another...i don't do drugs- i drink...seconds later...I do different drugs but i don't have an addictive personality. Being flown somewhere @ age 16 is called SEX TRAFFICKING!!! I can only imagine what he will look like in 20 yrs! God Bless his family.

id: 1338334 - Text: There are a lot of contradictions here. “There was no abuse in my childhood” “I started sex work at 16” “I’m happy with the way I look” “I’ve had plastic surgery head to toe and will be getting my ribs removed soon” “I have a perfect relationship with my parents, they aren’t embarrassed of me.” “My parents have told me they don’t like being seen with me and my father didn’t even want his side of the family to see me.” I’m just not understanding how all of these very obvious red flags are going unseen by the majority of people in these comments. This isn’t a personal attack on Matteo, he doesn’t seem like a bad person and I truly wish him the best. I’d be more than happy to be completely wrong about this, but the constant contradictions and pathological behavior seem to indicate much deeper psychological issues (most likely trauma related) and it’s sad that he seems to be surrounded by enablers (even in this comment section). I really hope he finds peace and is able to live a healthy and truly happy life! Blind praise and enabling are not kind or compassionate. You can’t claim to love a person if you’re complicit in their self destruction.

id: 1338416 - Text: I don't understand the visceral reaction to this man. He is happy with his appearance. The lips are more than I can understand but I can't understand "typical" looking people using Botox. It's all the same to me. I thought it was significant he understood how porn can be not good for relationships. He's a smart guy. I only worry about sex work from a perspective of how you transition out eventually when you are mentally done. The money would be hard to give up. Sex work to me can be a choice and especially someone like him who had a good childhood and no trauma. Sex work by people have only known abuse or are addicted is much sadder to me. People are being used. This guy is not being used. He's making a choice.

id: 1338422 - Text: I don't buy it. I'm pretty sure this guy was sexually abused as a child.

id: 1338429 - Text: Prostitute. When you get paid to have sex with someone you are a prostitute whether it's on the street, in a movie (porn), a sugar baby or escort. Let's stop pretending it's anything other than prostitution.

id: 1338434 - Text: His father bought him everything as a kid and later in life took him to his surgeries, as long as he didn't press charges for sexual abuse and traffiking in the ultra christian cover up pedo network. He might not rememer tough because of dissociasion , or he simply is afraid and believes his persona creation, brobably even enjoiyng it right now. Things are simple, he is acting councious about his uncouncios programming that usually happens in childhood. He is most probably lying because of a the character he created in order to cope ,dysphoria and narcissism with a combination of phsycopathy and ati social behaviour.

id: 1338449 - Text: But he's not living as himself, he's living as a human sex doll, getting all his confidence and validation from being sexualised and objectified by older men. I never understand the 'he's just being himself' argument when it's said about people who have changed themselves so much as to be unrecognisable.

id: 1338450 - Text: so why not do sex a plaything for perverted old men? His story is heartbreaking...His soul is worth more. What happens when his body "does not work"? He will be thrown away like an old discarded toy that has been damaged beyond repair. He is pretending he likes his life...he does not.

id: 1338524 - Text: Sad. He was sex trafficked as a teen. That’s how it all started. I’m happy he’s happy, but kind of sad that he was a clueless teen when it all began… thinking it was a vacation. He seems like a cool and nice guy. Happy his parents love and show him love. 😌
