58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1338546 - Text: I found it a really boring interview to be honest. He is painting a perfect picture. A very see through facade. He doesn't have education nor brains to back any of it up. It clearly isn't perfect. I mean being flown to LV for sex at 16. That is not normal. This is extreme.

id: 1338547 - Text: Sexual deviancy from mental illness. Sad.

id: 1338700 - Text: I think the is very sensual, listening to him while I work on something else I thought wow the voice is so confident and sexy.

id: 1338734 - Text: Interestingly enough a lot of sex workers share his attitude and his sentiment about the sex industry. It's just a paycheck for them.

id: 1338763 - Text: Sex workers don’t hurt anyone but themselves

id: 1338774 - Text: I’m kind of confused about him. I guess his whole life (& business) revolves around sex. It’s one thing to want to look a certain way & feel confident. Wear what you want & feel confident. But this, or those things, are to attract a certain person(s) that want to live/have a certain lifestyle. Not sure I’m saying this correctly. OK. He’s gay. But it’s more, whatever that means. He understands there’s levels of porn. He found his niche & is happy being “there”. OK. I have no idea his age. This lifestyle has an extremely short lifespan, just naturally/physically speaking. It will get to the point where no amount of money or surgery will keep this up. But maybe he doesn’t care? Then there’s the spiritual aspect. There is a Heaven & a Hell. This he seems to have thrown out the window & feels one day “the world” will “evolve” to his way of thinking? Seems like this spiritual way of thinking he has thrown out & actually believes it doesn’t exist or “it’s out-dated”? The problem is, it’s real & he will have to meet God & basically say “I barely gave You a thought. I was a lover of myself…” I don’t know. He totally understands the harm porn is & how it affects people. And that in any “addiction” people get bored & need the “next level” 40:32 with today! He obviously makes a lot of money now if he can afford 70+ surgeries (!!). The people who have no money problems & can have absolutely whatever they want - that level gets to the child/infant sex & human trafficking/sacrifice level. It’s those people that rule our world right now & have been & are being exposed. Which means their time is up. And Mateo will be caught in that flip of the script. I don’t think he has as long as normally he would have had. Which wouldn’t be long. I understand gay sex has normal massive physical consequences. God knows what he does to make customers happy. He’s in a very high risk job, in many ways. He does seem to be the type of person that when God comes, & He’s coming, that kind of love will hit him so hard that he will be on his knees asking forgiveness & change his life. I really think he isn’t that far “gone” - ie: unredeemable. I pray so. Hell wasn’t made for us. It was for Lucifer & his fellow fallen angels. I don’t want him going there.

id: 1338783 - Text: His lips look painful. I hope his life goes how he wants it too and he doesn’t have pain later on due to these modifications to his face and body. I appreciate that he doesn’t try to cram his lifestyle or sexuality down people’s’ throats.

id: 1338811 - Text: Age offers wisdom there is a reason people at different ages have different perspectives. The guy is not going to relate with a kid so does that mean he's behind in his thinking 🤔 or ahead.. the brain doesn't complete the frontal Cortex until 26 (how humans understand cause-and-effect) the emotional maturity much later especially for me .,. I see so many humans go through so many unnecessary traumas because they don't respect people that have lived and learned.. lol 😂 he's not "new" GAY and Trans is not progressive lol it's been around for hundreds of years, sex, kink, and prostitution has been around for since the beginning of humanity.. surgery has been around well over 80 years the reason it's not mainstream is because people learn and grow and see that it's a dead end most of the time.. not everyone that has "judgement" or discernment, is simple just "judging" sometimes they are observing and care enough to want to prevent tragedy

id: 1338842 - Text: I used to have a really bad porn addiction, I grew up stealing magazines and vhs tapes from adults, I started very young, and when I turned 18 I started buying my own porn and I had so many magazines and movies and toys, porn led me down a strange road in life, I started changing my identity and I wanted to live a crazy sexual lifestyle, I wanted to go to clubs and meet other people in the lifestyle, but then I met my wife and now I don’t watch any porn and I have a very conservative normal sex life, and I’m very happy like this now, I’m so thankful that I didn’t go down that kinky sex lifestyle cuz my life would be completely different and I would be around different people, I’m very happy that I married such an amazing woman and that I’m living a normal life, when I was younger I didn’t want to be normal but now that I’m older I just want to be normal and live a decent life with Christian values, but porn definitely effected my life and my choices when I was younger

id: 1338848 - Text: Well he was sexually abused when he was 16 from his telling here, so there is some kind of trauma there from that
