58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1343169 - Text: There are massage sex shops that run legally in every city. The need to legalize prostitution and criminalize pimping/Pandering

id: 1343187 - Text: That's the law where I live. It is safer for the women. The only drawback in my view is that prostitution is so normalized that a lot of men don't know how to view women as anything other than sex objects and maintain normal relationships

id: 1343213 - Text: Standard 20 year old person, regardless of job, sexuality, race, nation, education Cautious of older men. No signs of childhood abuse; just wanted to grow up away from childhood ASAP. Aged 15 started, so lacked suitable peers of similar age. Lack of suitable role models that could illustrate ways of handling teenage years, towards full adulthood. No mention of mother, or other female figures. Very strange. Other very missing options or guidance on how to move quickly or slowly into better career & living choices. In the same industry or not. If I was able to return from my aged retirement status, I'd create "free tuition" for these individuals in these low status industries (solitary, self-employed), to working cooperatively with teams of workers. Generally, these solitary workers lack intimacy skills, and poor self sensitivity (hence like being bullied by poisonous chemicals, like nicotine, etc.).

id: 1343292 - Text: DID YOU KNOW........ . According to the Bible it is legal to sell your daughter as a servant (sex slave). Exodus 21:7-11 Smdh

id: 1343316 - Text: Hello, I understand how this is a very controversial point that many people bring up against Christianity and the old testament really hurts the sentiment of many modern people but did you also know that the teachings and laws in the book of Exodus has been dropped by Christians from the first Century itself ? And Christians now predominantly also live by the teachings in the new testament ? ( The book of Exodus and such are in the old testament ). Subjecting someone to sexual slavery still stands as a very grave sin and it will forever be. I might sound very naive but I think we need to help the victims of such cases and try to bring more love into each other instead of bringing up the irrelevant beliefs which aren't even deemed applicable in the current age because we, as humans, know better now.

id: 1343320 - Text:  @notafailure2138  let's be real.... America is corrupt and sex trafficking in America, alone, is rampant!!!! It's these false religious people who let girls get abused because the scripture says it's OK. Selling ones daughter is biblical prostitution!!! (sex trafficking 101)

id: 1343362 - Text:  @raspberrypi2965  He doesn't just interview addicts or sex workers.

id: 1343394 - Text: See, I knew she had trauma. Her parents thought she wasn't enough or too much. All people are sexual, but her trauma caused her sexuality to go off the rails.

id: 1343401 - Text: As long as no one is being affected it’s ur decision If ur not a b words and a backstabber it’s fine it nice having people like u around. As far as long term abc highest level of contentment only comes by following the creator of the human body and creator of love and sex and emotions. A human’s intelligence and understanding will never resemble the creator of the most complex things the best scientists still have little progress on mastering or understanding thouroly So a loving godly couple with only one sexual partner abd 39 years together and happy kids and a nice home abd stability abd ni secrets that they never want to make public

id: 1343410 - Text: Honestly, such a smart girl. She's so independent and she can freely experience her sexuality, without hurting herself or anyone else. Everybody knows porn. Even your grandma does. If you say you haven't had one experience with porn or different sexual content (including sex scenes in movies) you are a liar. Just watch her do her thing and be successful, because people with narrow minds will never have success. :))
