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id: 1343710 - Text: Honestly, I feel she has a fresh take on the "adult entertainment" industry...obviously times have changed and it has become empowering for women. Society will turn its back on sex workers, yet, they have been apart of it since time began. I like a lot of points she makes regarding respect and opening people's minds. Thanks @kazumisworld!

id: 1343711 - Text: She seems very self diluted and avoiding facets of herself. I love sex this is all great and amazing…yeah, if that’s what you have to tell yourself.

id: 1343714 - Text: Her: “This girl I know is throwing a sex party” Me: “Oh yeah, what does she look like?”

id: 1343715 - Text: she doesn't understand the connections between interpersonal relationships, sex, and the male brain.. seems that her brain functions differently..

id: 1343718 - Text: she does seem like such a kind person, however she stated that people may be "disturbed" by her line of work & said it's "only because they don't want to feel sex" or "embrace this feeling of being vulnerable." that's a blanket statement & simply not true for everyone. some people are just concerned for her health & safety. she glamorized her job in this interview & never spoke on some of the actual difficulties I'm sure this line of work brings her & that's reckless for young still developing minds that are surely going to watch this interview. I do truly wish her the best :)

id: 1343733 - Text: Her parents being that strict was abuse in of itself. It definitely has an impact on the journey from adolescence to adulthood. But 100% a driver bc she really is picking her path but maybe an influence to the oversexualized side of it. Like clubbing hella hard when we're young teens and young adults. By the time you're 40, you trying to stay in the house and chill.

id: 1343734 - Text: She definitely has a lot more emotional intelligence than I would have thought. As a man, she is right, women we cannot control sexually are scary and looked down upon because of their untamable sexual nature.

id: 1343740 - Text: So its not true that having sex with thousands of people is harmless. Its just not I’m a physician and I ve lost count of the times I’ve walked into an exam room, sat down, and told someone they are now HIV +. Yes, people still get HIV and syphyllis, and all kinds of other diseases—like anal, vulvar and throat cancer. Not saying having sex is bad but just saying, having sex with thousands and thousands of people isn’t exactly ‘harmless’. Its myopic. Also, taking such risks is not uncommon when those who have untreated bipolar disorder.

id: 1343741 - Text: Of all the interviews I’ve seen on this channel, this is one of the saddest ones. I know she wants to exemplify empowerment through exhibitionism but the opposite comes across—a visceral need for validation, to be seen, to be valued through the most extreme way—even if it means it means having sex with 50 men at once. As a woman, there is something fundamentally not empowering about that no matter how many times she says there is, regardless of how much she money she makes.

id: 1343748 - Text: Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [a]homosexuals, nor [b]sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Very sad how blind she is, she has no idea the spiritual, physiological damage she is doing to her mind and soul with her hedonistic lifestyle. I’ve tasted that and it’s pleasureful for a season, but deadly and damaging in the long term
