58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1343910 - Text: & to the channel owner, you're probably triggered asf rn. I get that! Racial dynamics between Asian diaspora & other races in western culture is not something that's commonly understood! Her Asian male partner count is important bc it's a window into how she sees herself, how she sees people who look like her, and so on so forth. It's not the 'rage' of an incel. Listen! Asian women know how to play the race card & sex as a weapon better than any other race of women, I assure you of that. Even her taking those guys to Korean BBQ is a 'power play' by her to the men that's cooking the food for her. There's more to this than meets the eye, I assure you. What AM has to say is important as you cannot have one without the other. An AF is birthed by both an AM and an AF. You cannot just dismiss the AM as unimportant. The whole picture. Not part of it.

id: 1343916 - Text: You see it as a power play, I see her trying to turn the sexual encounter into a date so she doesn't feel used and also make some industry connections. Women tend to play status games with other women, not men.

id: 1343921 - Text: I simply adore Kazumi, as somone that is in school to become a Sexologist, I found this interview to be very informative. Love you Zum Zum... great job speaking.

id: 1343923 - Text: I seem to be the only one who don't see much of honesty in this, but a lot of parroting you get from porn actresses who want to advertise their "life style". She loves sex the same way people from My 600 pound life love food.

id: 1343947 - Text: Some of the wildest most hyper sexual I know is funny enough Muslim girls . They are secretly like that . I think it comes with growing up wanting to try things but the parents are overly strict so it becomes even more exiting and a crave to act wild. I’m talking Muslims who migrated to a western society and suddenly exposed to it all

id: 1343964 - Text: Loved this interview. Thank you so much for sharing your story. It's about time the world watch some positive stories about sex work. Very inspiring! :)

id: 1343976 - Text: This girl stinks she’s so nasty she showers once a week and she had sex with hp a guy who had sex with a transgender man

id: 1343991 - Text: I hope your children never watch this trash. God is good all the time find him and love yourself, you are a temple and deserve only the best. Fuck what people think, including the “family” they brainwash you to believe is all that matters, they are usually the first to harm you! But love and value yourself!! It’s called respect!! Sexuality is human, but learn how to use it properly!! Money is the devil. Do not let him in.

id: 1343995 - Text: I truly hope her Dad never comes across the truth here. Lol Poor man. Her work isn't even the trauma here? It's the sex parties & what she would do for boys is wild. I'm going to guess this happened at her parents house? Lol yikes.. To have a daughter's in the age of onlyfans?.No kids period. She's a great reminder not to have kids.

id: 1344011 - Text: In my opinion social media has deteriorated society and only fans is another part of that. One may not fall but we already live in a fallen world. Women liking sex is not a bad or a wrong thing or even talking about it but spreading it all around to me is the problem. Another thing I think is a problem is that everyone wants everything accepted as moral and not wrong and go past boundaries but boundaries are made to protect a person not hurt them. There is a moral law and I understand we as humans have curiosity but as they say curiosity killed the cat.
