58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1344123 - Text: I find it interesting that she sounds and appears genuine in her self confidence and transparent in her vulnerability, wanting and showing the empowerment of feminity, very much living in the moment, presently, this is intoxicating because it's a desire to pursue being and doing what you want when you want. Makes sense however, when using negative words and terminology saying and calling yourself being nasty and dirty and enjoying disgusting things and doing and behaving disgusting diminishes the message and perceived authenticity she is portraying. Operating in life at basic levels mentally, spiritually and emotionally and physically isn't growth individually or expanding ones life with themselves or others. In a nutshell she is owning the choice knowing she can make decent money by using sex and her body to get it which in turn makes her life better for HER. Evolution waits for no one and I agree with some other comments, It would be interesting to see her growth and opinion of her choices when she is older. To each there own and we all have our own path I hope that she sees herself being a healer in other ways as well in her lifetime!

id: 1344131 - Text: I feel like I need to shower just listening to her! Wow. Love sex but this is just sick.

id: 1344142 - Text: Are guys able to do what she does but instead with women? cause that sounds like a dream job as a straight guy to meet a bunch of women eager for sex and get straight to the business I would sacrifice a lot of aspects of my life for something like that

id: 1344152 - Text: After i have sex, i Get hungry either! Lets go bbq. She is preaching for wonderful sex, unless you watched the last 10min or so you wouldn't understand that…n when i understand that…i wanna have sex, pretty arousing tbf

id: 1344159 - Text: She has trauma. I’m sure she was sexually abused as a very young child and is acting out what she believes is good. But she won’t admit that. She got pretty defensive when she started talking about “there doesn’t need to be a moral dilemma” in childhood for her to turn out that way. Pathological liar and narcissist at it’s finest.

id: 1344173 - Text: 22:03 a loser?! What ?!😂 sincerely I envy this girl , because she’s one of the “l could die tomorrow people” Let me explain , Kazumi she’s the same age as me , and she’s successful in her job, financially independent, she’s intelligent and well spoken and she had some many experiences not only sexual experiences, she has everything , so she could die tomorrow and she’ll probably be like 🤷‍♂️ Loser ? There are a LOT o people in this world that envy you , respect you and admire you , and I’m one those people😂😅. And for the loser part we are all the loser of someone , because everyone has different idea of success and happy life , and different moral and values, And sincerely to my eyes this girl is a winner.

id: 1344174 - Text: Honestly, I don't actually agree with her regarding rampant sexuality, nor do I think it's healthy. However, since she is an adult, I understand that it is her body to do with as she pleases. That's her right and I don't knock her for it. It's not that I think it makes her "dirty" or "deranged", I just feel like nymphomania is unhealthy like any addiction. She can never be "satisfied." She can never be "filled." She's constantly searching for her next fix. 1 guy at a time doesn't do it, there has to be 10 at once! She can't just have sex, it has to be recorded. She needs an audience! I mean, it feels like there's an issue there. So, it's this constant searching and revolving door of partners. I'm a 30 yr old gay guy. I spent all my 20s being promiscuous. It was fun.... at first. After almost a decade and 150 guys later, I'm cringing. I had a lot of fun and sex is great, but my promiscuity was not empowering to me and instead masked my lack of true intimacy with physicality. But, hey, that's me.

id: 1344191 - Text: What do you mean? She's pretty much a prostitute. Sex work is pretty common on this channel, this ain't no different. I get you want to watch people in misery, and it makes you feel better about yourself, but damn man 🤣

id: 1344199 - Text: She is just girl who likes sex and is profiting from that fact.

id: 1344202 - Text: All addicts, whether it be drugs, alcohol or SEX, always try to find a way to convince themselves and others that they are different from the other addicts and consequences don't apply to them. I'd like to see another interview in a few years. When the consequences of this high risk lifestyle take its toll, it's usually too late to do "do overs". Just like Rome.
