58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 1344467 - Text: I think she’s amazing! Good for you for knowing what you love, what brings you pleasure and not apologizing for it. Sexuality is such an important part of your identity and to be free of fear is extremely empowering. Sex is great!

id: 1344485 - Text: That's a crazy X rated story before she started porn...most girls get into porn and then have those wild group sex stories or gang bangs, but sounds like she did that casually on her own free time and then oh yeah porn came later.

id: 1344489 - Text: It isn’t safe to be a sex worker.

id: 1344501 - Text: I felt like she was using the interview as a way to promote her vids, she kept referring to herself as a slut, and calling herself disgusting. She’s projecting the way she feels about herself on to us. Being sexually open doesn’t make you disgusting or gross, a slut or a whore. That’s how she feels about herself on the inside, that’s sad and as she gets older she will have to face it and deal with it, those feelings of being less than don’t go away they become more prevalent and take over your mind.

id: 1344507 - Text: As a psychiatrist I have seen quite many sex workers in my career and 9 out of 10 these people will face problems in the future unfortunately. Normally they are good souls but after facing trauma in their lives they want a "revenge" in some way without fully understanding what they are doing and especially consequences that you can face in society, so some of them tend to isolate, hate civilians etc. etc. I have learnt not to judge anybody but it is very difficult to see everyday that they pretend not be interested in what other people think about them and one day suddenly there is a click in their mind, so they want to live a "standard life" and having society approval that is at this point is almost impossible unfortunately

id: 1344508 - Text: Americans are uptight about sex? Lol.

id: 1344512 - Text: I believe she is a strong young woman doing exactly what she wants regardless of what society says. I don’t think I could’ve done it when I was younger but good for her. Women love sex, and why we have been programmed to think it is wrong to actually enjoy something that feels so good is something I can’t wrap my head around. I wish her the best life!

id: 1344524 - Text: No crap. None of this shit is normal. Selling your body and pride on the internet is not normal period LOL. But it's okay for society to shunned a straight male for calling OF workers crazy, it's okay for society to keep pretending there isn't a dead body in the water cooler. Yeah she is definitely a small brain egotistic dead beat for not seeing the shit she's doing is damaging. But honestly it's society as a whole that is a PoS for keep trying to promote sex work is normal work

id: 1344527 - Text: It's not that it's wrong to enjoy sex but there needs to be restraint. The problem is that the barriers are blown sky high & next thing we know she's banging like 10 different guys a week! If you can't see how that's bad for, not only yourself as an individual but for society as a whole then I don't know what to say. There are positive outlets for her hyper sexuality, which, porn is one of them. Unfortunately before the porn, she never got the help that she needed. Perhaps she might not have needed porn or the parties.

id: 1344541 - Text: I watch many of Mark's videos which have several strippers and sex workers. I never cease to be amazed how obesity has now become sexy. What a sad state of affairs when the majority of Americans try to change mass perceptions of what is attractive and demand attraction to unhealthy results from gluttony and a sedentary lifestyle.
